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Creating a vibration is simple as pie - simpler in fact. It just requires one line of code; two if you add the import line. But as simple as a one-liner is it is better to make it into a function. So here is the one liner, followed by the function...
5 1107 posted 15 years ago by KevinBomberry
1) Make sure the ViewController for the view implements the \< UIPickerViewDelegate, >
0 795 posted 15 years ago by arpit
Display simple alert box
6 1137 posted 15 years ago by steve918
Allows you to toggle visibility of the iPhone status bar at the top of the screen that shows the carrier information, network status and time
6 954 posted 15 years ago by steve918
Get Version Number from Info.plist
8 1194 posted 15 years ago by steve918
Grabs the unique device id from the iPhone
3 973 posted 15 years ago by steve918
iPhone uses [LDML standard](http://unicode.org/reports/tr35/tr35-4.html#DateFormatPatterns) for date formatting
8 1127 posted 15 years ago by steve918
Remove all the keys of the application’s preferences file from ~/Library/Preferences with Cocoa’s NSUserDefaults class.
2 958 posted 16 years ago by zingo
Using a gcc predefined macro, __DATE__, the code can know for itself when it was compiled, and build in an expiration date based on that value. The former code (http://snipplr.com/view/3448/kill-app-after-expire-date/) was not internationalised an...
5 1075 posted 16 years ago by zingo
the controllers view is setup s.t. it adds the mainView as a subview to its default view in the init method
4 1153 posted 16 years ago by jonathanbp
This can be used to test FS type.
1 956 posted 16 years ago by zingo
Para usar el interface builder con el iphone hay que crear una vista o una ventana, guardarla dentro del proyecto, y meter esta línea en appdelegate en applicationDidFinishLaunching.
0 970 posted 16 years ago by buscarini
0 1006 posted 16 years ago by zingo
Macro to give an asl_log-like NSLog.
2 1118 posted 16 years ago by zingo
4 930 posted 16 years ago by zingo
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