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.net 3.0+, To create stability in your code, you must check all inputs into a method to make sure they are valid . Often people overlook this step because of laziness, or because they aren't convinced that exceptions and assertions are actually in pl...
0 938 posted 13 years ago by bryanlyman
0 660 posted 13 years ago by cadnet
0 1110 posted 13 years ago by liouys
0 757 posted 13 years ago by Shamaoke
The filter only needs to know which requests need to be returned as JSONP, doesn't care how. Modify "OnBeginRequest" accordinly. If original .asmx doesn't return JSON, extend it like example shows. JSONP only works for GET requests, so don't forget...
0 968 posted 14 years ago by FMalk
This can be used to help load, play and monitor playback of external video.
1 949 posted 14 years ago by adrianparr
This is an extension method for splitting strings with a regular expression.
0 860 posted 14 years ago by gyurisc
isNumber string extension method for testing strings.
2 1387 posted 14 years ago by gyurisc
Hay dos maneras, la mejor es usar el script manager, tambien ver la diferencia entre http://forums.asp.net/t/902895.aspx
0 1985 posted 14 years ago by ramirocalero
create aspnet db in sql from .net tools
1 970 posted 14 years ago by hairajeshk
1 801 posted 14 years ago by housecor
2 756 posted 14 years ago by stewshack
1 937 posted 14 years ago by mpcircuitry
I removed several properties from my custom Profile class, and wanted to clean out the data from the aspnet\_Profile table. This code will remove all unwanted data from the PropertyNames and PropertyValuesString columns of aspnet\_Profile. Note this...
2 1042 posted 14 years ago by mmfusion
1 754 posted 14 years ago by imstand
WPF unleashed pg 303
0 647 posted 14 years ago by ethansimmons
This code will execute a postback.
0 638 posted 14 years ago by blackf0rk
.net 2.0+ Generic classes make code size much smaller and casting objects (boxing) a cinch. However, currently there are some unsupported IDE options when trying to cast objects to and from generic objects that use mixed object types (inherited from...
0 974 posted 14 years ago by bryanlyman
0 939 posted 14 years ago by ptruta
Con este código: Creas un archivo txt donde se almacenaran los nombres de archivos encontrados (temporal.txt). En caso de existir la unidad J. la elimina sin pedir confirmación (/Y). Crea la conexión J: al servidor requerido, con usuario y passwor...
0 933 posted 14 years ago by lsaez
`w_Dgv` is the name of the DataGridView control.
0 1309 posted 14 years ago by pckujawa
Read the [best article on the subject - Exploring Secrets of Persistent Application Settings](http://www.devx.com/dotnet/Article/33944/1954) - and then the following links if desired. (Note, I recommend reading [this forum post about settings not bei...
0 1779 posted 14 years ago by pckujawa
Requires TidyATL library for .NET - http://www.devx.com/dotnet/Article/20505/1763/page/2
0 1773 posted 15 years ago by tclancy
Snippet out of my C# KNN implementation. Uses leave-one-out cross validation tuning with our given K to find our nearest neighbors.
0 965 posted 15 years ago by ahawker
If you wish to set an ASyncPostBackTrigger in ScriptManager for AJAX.NET, using ASyncPostBackTrigger="xxx" causes Firefox, Chrome, Safari, etc. to timeout on partial page postback, using this javascript to set the ASyncPostBackTrigger (instead of the...
0 1018 posted 15 years ago by cardiffblogger
This class uses static methods to create html controls on the fly in .NET
2 997 posted 15 years ago by mpcircuitry