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Great way to show the user that something is happening without too much tedious work. As simple to use as putting the following code in Form_Load: AutoWaitCursor.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor; AutoWaitCursor.Delay = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, 25);...
1 2086 posted 15 years ago by pckujawa
1 1029 posted 15 years ago by mpcircuitry
I used this code to run MySQL commands in ASP.NET
1 1334 posted 15 years ago by mpcircuitry
To display "&" character within the string used as error descriptor in ErrorProvidor component in .NET use "&&&" so that it displays as a single "&". More detail at: http://www.codeproject.com/Messages/3225091/ErrorProvider-SetError-string-constra...
0 1129 posted 15 years ago by sysdeamon
Since an asynchronous method is usually one you call and then it invokes a callback when it is finished, it is not obvious how to test such a method in a definite manner. In the method described at the above URL, the author uses .NET's System.Threadi...
1 1213 posted 15 years ago by pckujawa
Essentially, you need to tell Visual Studio to generate an XML file with documentation, then use a separate tool to create a help file (usually .chm) out of that XML file. The tool to use is MS's Sandcastle. You'll also want a GUI for Sandcastle, whi...
0 1121 posted 15 years ago by pckujawa
This is a simple function to test for an internet connection. Originally grabbed from "devbuzz" at the devbuzz forums (see link) and now modified for VB.NET 3.5
0 1344 posted 15 years ago by blackf0rk
Specifically, this code enables you to pass a string from C# into C++ managed code and then get a C++ pointer to the string's chars. [Marshal.StringToHGlobalAnsi Method](http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.runtime.interopservices.marsha...
0 2762 posted 15 years ago by pckujawa
0 814 posted 16 years ago by eugegim
1 908 posted 16 years ago by Anthony
2 783 posted 16 years ago by omixen
0 648 posted 16 years ago by tranvinhnt
In Ruby you can write 5.times { print "Hello World" } . With a simple extension method I was able to do something similar with C#.
0 675 posted 17 years ago by Soft
This redirects visitors to a new URL using a 301 redirect. Using a 301 redirect is the safest way to let search engines like Google, Yahoo!, Live and Ask know your address has changed.
0 1544 posted 17 years ago by jonhenshaw
2 1069 posted 18 years ago by whitetiger
Very important to set the RefCursor Type. Otherwise you get the PLS-00306 Error 'Wrong Number or types of arguments'
0 970 posted 18 years ago by rengber
Simple way to do ftp from Perl
3 1074 posted 18 years ago by kkindoh
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