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Format a mysql datetime into a PHP date
0 1109 posted 10 years ago by flatearthcomms
PHP developers can learn how to merge multiple PDF files into a single PDF file using PHP REST API and SDK. To merge PDFs, you need to upload input PDFs to Aspose for Cloud Service or any supported third party storage and then send a PUT request to A...
0 1694 posted 10 years ago by johansonkatherine
Take an associative array of options and their default settings. Remove entries of options that do not exist in the default options. Return a safely filtered and overridden array of options.
0 810 posted 10 years ago by wyattstorch42
0 1124 posted 10 years ago by manishwebginger
#Wordpress Debug Info ##Find out basic information about your WordPress installation and server environment
2 684 posted 10 years ago by gregdbarnes
Text for functions.php
1 810 posted 11 years ago by gabbo
Mail merge allows you to produce document (potentially large numbers of documents) from a single template and a structured data source. The letter may be sent out to many recipients with small changes, such as a change of address or a change in the g...
0 1375 posted 11 years ago by johansonkatherine
This code demonstrates a simple way to validate IP address using preg_match() PHP function. This is a very simple code, that allows you to perform this task quickly with a minimum lines of code.
0 1135 posted 11 years ago by apphp-snippets
This code demonstrates how to create and parse the JSON data format of using array of PHP. It's a very simple code, that allows you to perform this task.
0 1166 posted 11 years ago by apphp-snippets
1 917 posted 11 years ago by gabbo
used ceil instead floor
0 887 posted 11 years ago by Balamir
The give link helps you to integrate the Amazon Simple Pay IPN to your web application.
0 758 posted 11 years ago by mafhh14
In this article I will show you how to use AngularJS and Laravel Blade together. People who have been using AngularJS for a while may know of this solution. However if you are just getting started or have never used Angular with a templating engine...
0 1177 posted 11 years ago by CreativePunch
In this article I would like to share how to make a sortable index view with Laravel 4. Let’s assume you have an index view with a table. Like this example for a table that contains posts.
0 879 posted 11 years ago by CreativePunch
Creating a nested array from items with parent IDs. This is useful for when you have a website working with multiple categories with parent categories. But it can be applied anywhere, really!
0 1617 posted 11 years ago by CreativePunch
Generates a random string of a given length and character set.
0 842 posted 11 years ago by wyattstorch42
Save this script on your localhost and run it whenever you need to generate a "hamburger icon" of a specific size and color. Just tell it the dimensions and bar color and it will output a mathematically perfect hamburger icon as a transparent PNG, wh...
0 817 posted 11 years ago by wyattstorch42
In this tutorial I will go over implementing Full-Text search in Laravel 4 . Those who have used Laravel 3 in the past may remember that there used to be support for FULLTEXT indexes. This functionality has been removed in Laravel 4 but can still ea...
0 858 posted 11 years ago by CreativePunch
Function to check existence of value in multidimensional array.
0 999 posted 11 years ago by Sadeveloper
List of prime numbers between two number
0 1039 posted 11 years ago by Sadeveloper
Write request data to a log file
0 1037 posted 11 years ago by dmertl
Examine a date and return false if it's in the past, or true for the future. Slightly more complicated than it needs to be, however there's an easy tutorial with full explanation if you follow the attached link.
0 1970 posted 11 years ago by gromitski
I created myself an install file using PHP. What this file does is creates folders and puts in each folder the corresponding file from the zip. Afterwards these files are moved to other folders which are already created or will be created by the inst...
0 644 posted 11 years ago by PLATANIUM
I created myself an install file using PHP. What this file does is creates folders and puts in each folder the corresponding file from the zip. Afterwards these files are moved to other folders which are already created or will be created by the inst...
0 692 posted 11 years ago by PLATANIUM
Simple PHP functions to validate url, email address and ip, functions will return TRUE for valid data and FALSE for invalid data.
0 1242 posted 11 years ago by codingforever99
En Hosting Gratis, ellos ponen código de rastreo y publicidad anadiendolo en tus paginas webs, aveces estos códigos interfieren en consultas tipos webservice cuando el formato debe ser xml o json
0 895 posted 11 years ago by thescorpion
A function to create passwords for new users or password resets.
0 775 posted 11 years ago by luckygreentiger
An attempt for a semi-random salt in a stored password. It's not stored in the database so I believe it would be harder to discover. Samples should be changed.
0 694 posted 11 years ago by luckygreentiger
Compact Privacy Policy allowing cookies to be used in an iframe without being blocked by the host website. See link for further details.
0 839 posted 11 years ago by gromitski
Simple PHP Backdoor Shell // http://www.example.com/shell.php?cmd=dir
0 2533 posted 11 years ago by shopsplash
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