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Use this to format a phone number for display on a page.
1 800 posted 17 years ago by fbnewtz
1 698 posted 17 years ago by mikeejay
0 492 posted 17 years ago by Corhol
A simple function to check if the request comes from an AJAX XMLHttpRequest. Use it if your page should behave differently when called from AJAX. Comes from jquery mailing list: http://jquery.com/discuss/2006-June/006656/
29 5714 posted 17 years ago by TC
7 619 posted 17 years ago by smilylion
admin panel for php scripts with a login form elaborated by a function.php page, then an upload form with canc option
2 1086 posted 17 years ago by dandyna
0 785 posted 17 years ago by jnunemaker
File admin.php di una galleria di immagini in php - Function.php file to include in an image gallery php script Directory structure: Gallery(main directory) _admin.php _function.php _photo(directory) __image1.gif __image2.gif
2 577 posted 17 years ago by dandyna
File function.php di una galleria di immagini in php - Function.php file to include in an image gallery php script Directory structure: Gallery(main directory) _admin.php _function.php _photo(directory) __image1.gif __image2.gif
2 551 posted 17 years ago by dandyna
Select the last autoincrement index from the last inserted item in a table.
0 880 posted 17 years ago by arcturus
Shows how to upload a single file to a FTP server.
28 11686 posted 17 years ago by hxseven
Una breve referencia de los meta carácteres y su significado en expresiones regulares en PHP. Esta referencia de expresiones regulares es muy interesante para tener a mano. Está recogida de un comentario del manual de php.net.
4 730 posted 17 years ago by Navegante
(Applies to the HTML_Template_IT PEAR package) Useful script to find all global variables and put them in a format for an array. $t is the HTML_Template_IT(X) object.
0 905 posted 17 years ago by pckujawa
The form method must be post and the enctype set as it is below. The hidden input for MAX_FILE_SIZE must also be included. The value is the max file size (in bytes?).
4 742 posted 17 years ago by pckujawa
Recorta el texto recibido al limite especificado de caracteres. Caracteristicas: * Si el texto es HTML el texto no contendra tags incompletos * Si el texto no es HTML no se recortaran palabras Notas: Se debe tener en cuenta que el texto pod...
1 510 posted 17 years ago by Navegante
Elimina las etiquetas de párrafo <P< y </P< (sin parámetros) y las sustituye por saltos de línea <BR />. En caso necesario inserta un <BR /> adicional para simular la separación de párrafos.
0 610 posted 17 years ago by Navegante
Took 0.164692 seconds for array[] Took 0.395778 seconds for array_push As you can see array_push is more than twice as slow. Here are the reasons. Array_push is a function call, Function calls are always slower. Array_push takes mixed parameters,...
0 3131 posted 17 years ago by mthorn
strcmp with matching strings took 0.207852 seconds strcmp with non-matching strings took 0.215276 seconds === with matching strings took 0.067122 seconds === with non-matching strings took 0.057305 seconds === is the clear winner. Function call...
0 2075 posted 17 years ago by mthorn
Often PHP can't interpret POST data because it is not form-encoded. This is typical when the post data is XML from API's like Flash's XmlSocket. You can use the following methods to read the POST data directly.
1 1321 posted 17 years ago by mthorn
Since PHP is typeless odd things can happen when a variable is not the type you expected. PHP treats 0, null, '0', false, and '' as false. Sometimes you really want to know if the value is false. The solution is simple, use the triple equal (===) ope...
0 813 posted 17 years ago by mthorn
Will create a thumnail no taller or wider than the supplied size. Also contains some tips for reading and writing images using GD.
22 7707 posted 17 years ago by mthorn
Sends as XHTML 1.1 + MathML if supported, falls back to XHTML 1.1 if supported, or falls back to HTML 4.01 Strict. Mixed two separate scripts: http://www.workingwith.me.uk/articles/scripting/mimetypes http://golem.ph.utexas.edu/~distler/blog/arc...
2 559 posted 17 years ago by rolandog
makes a resized duplicate of an image
0 592 posted 17 years ago by jkochis
usage is simple: $result = mysqli_query($query,db_conn('local')); for instance. if written in patterns, this should probably be a singleton, but I haven't bothered converting it - feel free to comment with your modification though!
3 598 posted 17 years ago by Aeon
0 798 posted 17 years ago by nicolaspar
This function split a several lines long text into an array. It works with Windows and Linux texts.
4 670 posted 17 years ago by katxorro70
0 1013 posted 17 years ago by janez
4 934 posted 17 years ago by jkochis
1 781 posted 17 years ago by jonbaer