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This is used to validate a date in a specific format. The code example is to validate whether it is a valid dd/MM/yyyy Date Format.
1 21556 posted 4 years ago by jlustre
With publicly available information and a little math it is possible to not only validate a given card number, but to determine the financial institution that issued the card, the type of industry the issuer belongs to, the actual account number and...
0 1321 posted 10 years ago by geneticcode
How would you validate the number of days in a given month?
0 1292 posted 11 years ago by satie83
Use a regex to check the email address input
4 1333 posted 11 years ago by dreamstarter
One of the important things about user input is to verify that the user has supplied the email that you have requested. The function below allows you to verify email address with easy.
1 1154 posted 11 years ago by apphp-snippets
The following code allows only numeric characters to be entered.
1 937 posted 12 years ago by jprochazka
Valida por medio del metodo onkeypress de un campo input, que solo se ingresen string /[a-zA-Z]/
0 1035 posted 12 years ago by serialk89
Find the date with or without a year and with double or single digit month or day. Easily extendable to other date delimiters and formats.
0 1114 posted 13 years ago by pumpkinthehead
Check if user has intruded a real email address. Return true (real email) or false (fake email). Arguments: Element from a form. From book Dom Scripting by Jeremy Keith
0 1209 posted 13 years ago by alberomo
Arguments: Element from a form. Take that element and checks if is filled. If not, returns false. If is filled, returns true. From book Dom Scripting by Jeremy Keith
0 1193 posted 13 years ago by alberomo
Often you supply a default value in a text field which you want to automatically clear when the user enters the field. This will do that operation and fill the field with a default value.
0 871 posted 13 years ago by jimbo
This tiny jQuery plug in forces a user to enter only numeric values on an input field by silently removing non-numeric values as they're entered. (Caution: Never rely on client-side validation; use server-side validation as well)
2 1247 posted 14 years ago by BrunoDeBarros
No permite ingresar la ñ o Ñ
0 928 posted 14 years ago by elquemero
The following JavaScript will validate an email address using strict rules when a form is submitted.
0 924 posted 14 years ago by jprochazka
The following JavaScript will validate if a 10 digit phone number was supplied once the form is submitted.
0 754 posted 14 years ago by jprochazka
requires that a pulldown \\\"program1\\\" in form \\\"freshmen\\\" be set to anything but the first value in the option list. \\r\\n\\r\\nrequires jquery validate: http://docs.jquery.com/Plugins/Validation
1 900 posted 14 years ago by dan_hoerr
Fixes an issue if you have another login form on the page with a password field.
0 1112 posted 14 years ago by linusx
Use /* <![CDATA[ */ to make validators ignore the javascript code.
0 1170 posted 14 years ago by jaff
Just thought id put up a version of my form validation class. It will be expanded in the future but I thought Id let everyone have a look. # Update 0.1 # * Create Error List Function * Validate Email Address Function * Valida...
0 1026 posted 14 years ago by alvincrespo
Amazing form validator using the jQuery framework!
1 835 posted 14 years ago by jaff
<form> <input>
0 1020 posted 15 years ago by hotdiggity
1 804 posted 15 years ago by mcarneiro
JavaScritp Form Validation Framework to validate form fields on the fly, no programming knowledge required.
0 802 posted 15 years ago by clickfind
Validating a decimal such as a measurement of time or currency (10.5 or 0.4). This function will return the correct number. If you feed in "10.5foo" the function will spit back 10.5. If you feed in "bar" the function will return nothing.
0 738 posted 15 years ago by blackf0rk
A very easy to use script for validating your forms.
2 863 posted 16 years ago by sarfraznawaz2005
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