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From the tutorial, Validating Various Input Data in Flash (http://active.tutsplus.com/tutorials/actionscript/validating-various-input-data-in-flash/)
2 1022 posted 14 years ago by Activetuts
From the tutorial, Validating Various Input Data in Flash (http://active.tutsplus.com/tutorials/actionscript/validating-various-input-data-in-flash/)
1 1023 posted 14 years ago by Activetuts
requires you to register with USPS. method requires your USPS API key.
0 1184 posted 14 years ago by RhinoX64
The following JavaScript will validate an email address using strict rules when a form is submitted.
0 929 posted 14 years ago by jprochazka
The following function does a very simple check on the supplied string to help ensure it is a valid email address.
0 1002 posted 14 years ago by jprochazka
The following function validates and returns TRUE or FALSE if the supplied string could be a valid domain name format.
2 994 posted 14 years ago by jprochazka
The following JavaScript will validate if a 10 digit phone number was supplied once the form is submitted.
0 759 posted 14 years ago by jprochazka
Definitivo. Errore bassissimo.
2 1036 posted 14 years ago by tuffo19
A very liberal validation of phone number. Assures there are at least 10 digits in there somewhere.
1 836 posted 14 years ago by housecor
requires that a pulldown \\\"program1\\\" in form \\\"freshmen\\\" be set to anything but the first value in the option list. \\r\\n\\r\\nrequires jquery validate: http://docs.jquery.com/Plugins/Validation
1 908 posted 14 years ago by dan_hoerr
1 771 posted 14 years ago by james0rion
run as callback from form_validation->setrules ex: $this->form_validation->set_rules('cc_number','Credit Card #','required|max_length[20]|callback_alpha_dash_space');
0 871 posted 14 years ago by myke
I used to have the strlen block and the 2 preg if blocks each separately return false throughout, but lately I'm in a single point of exit mindset. I cannot take credit for the regexps - I borrowed them from someone who borrowed them. If the real...
0 879 posted 14 years ago by philsown
Fixes an issue if you have another login form on the page with a password field.
0 1122 posted 14 years ago by linusx
Use /* <![CDATA[ */ to make validators ignore the javascript code.
0 1180 posted 14 years ago by jaff
Just thought id put up a version of my form validation class. It will be expanded in the future but I thought Id let everyone have a look. # Update 0.1 # * Create Error List Function * Validate Email Address Function * Valida...
0 1029 posted 14 years ago by alvincrespo
Amazing form validator using the jQuery framework!
1 840 posted 15 years ago by jaff
0 799 posted 15 years ago by Michael01
PHP provides many date manipulation devices and an entire suite of date functionality with the datetime class. However, this does not address date validation, that is, what format a date is received in. The PHP strtotime() function will accept many f...
1 1223 posted 15 years ago by kanampo
This function validate a mail address in a smart way: if the address to validate has a correct syntax (checked with regular expression), it tries to connect to the mx server of the address. This means that the program have to use the smtp protocol to...
3 1142 posted 15 years ago by ginoplusio
0 663 posted 15 years ago by ksantoshp
This snippet builds on my last snippet regarding [User input validation in Visual Studio .NET using MaskedTextBoxes and an ErrorProvider](http://snipplr.com/view/22419/user-input-validation-in-visual-studio-net-using-maskedtextboxes-and-an-errorprovi...
0 1712 posted 15 years ago by pckujawa
I just discovered that the MaskedTextBox control allows you to set the type of data which should be entered in the control and helps you do the validation of that data when necessary. The trick is to set the ValidatingType of the MaskedTextBox contro...
0 7558 posted 15 years ago by pckujawa
The source below is the function from the website with the corrected regular expression found in the site's comments. This is a nigh-one-line function for validating a string as an email address.
4 1273 posted 15 years ago by Winkyboy