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Revision: 24174
at February 22, 2010 16:11 by heatherk

Initial Code
Option Explicit
Private iColl As Collection
Private curIndex As Integer
Public Property Get TopValue() As Integer
    TopValue = iColl(curIndex)
End Property
Public Property Get Count() As Integer
    Count = curIndex
End Property

Private Sub Class_Initialize()
    Set iColl = New Collection
    curIndex = 0
End Sub

Public Sub Push(item As Integer)
    If curIndex = 0 Then
        iColl.Add item
        iColl.Add item, , , curIndex
    End If
    curIndex = curIndex + 1
End Sub

Public Function Pop() As Integer
    Dim PoppedItem As Integer
    PoppedItem = iColl(curIndex)
    iColl.Remove curIndex
    curIndex = curIndex - 1
    Pop = PoppedItem
End Function
Public Sub Clear()
    Dim i As Integer
    Do Until iColl.Count = 0
        iColl.Remove curIndex
        curIndex = curIndex - 1
End Sub
Private Sub Class_Terminate()
    Set iColl = Nothing
End Sub

Initial URL

Initial Description
Wrapper class around a `Collection` object in VB6 to produce a stack for storing `Integers`.

Initial Title
Integer Stack Class

Initial Tags

Initial Language
Visual Basic