
Member since 11/22/2010

Name: Phillip Gooch

Location: Seattle, WA

Website: www.fatfolderdesign.com

Website Programmer/Designer working on PHP/JavaScript. I also have a little blog where I talk about what web-things I\'ve programmed that week, and dislike typing bios.

Also, The languages feature of the profile page does not work in chrome as of version 13.0.782.112, I could fix that, and theres an escaping slash problem in the bio field, I could fix that too.

10 snippets

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FatFolderDesigner's Recent jQuery Snippets

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There are 2 jQuery snippets, both replace broken images with one of your choosing, the difference is that one is "safe" and the other is "persistent". The safe one will quick working, so if your doing something that dynamically changed images on a pa...
3 812 posted 12 years ago by FatFolderDesigner
I've previously posted this here: http://snipplr.com/view/59044/flexible-site-layout-with-resize-detection/ This new version is short and more efficient, plus it no longer shows 1 (harmless) error on launch. Works the same as last time, the sizabl...
2 758 posted 12 years ago by FatFolderDesigner
The code is in three parts, a HTML layout (with some requirements I'll go over below), some CSS code (again, requirements below) and the actual jQuery code. I go over all the code in detail at the link, but I'll give a quick rundown od the jQuery as...
0 723 posted 12 years ago by FatFolderDesigner
This one was not created by me, but I can't remember who originally created it. It does the same thing as the built in <code>:contains()</code> selector with one important difference, it's case insensitive. Since I usually type in all lower case (bad...
0 619 posted 12 years ago by FatFolderDesigner
The comments for this are broken down into 2 parts, first the script is talked about, then theres a little about the HTML code that the script relies on. You can find more information at the URL, as well as an example of it in action. You can leave c...
0 639 posted 12 years ago by FatFolderDesigner
After being tasked with creating inputs like those on the twitter homepage I came up with this inline label system that uses jquery to control the labels (in the vase of the example it fase and slides them). The code is in three parts. First, the...
0 671 posted 12 years ago by FatFolderDesigner
This function will insert items into an orders alphabetically (assuming it's already alphabetical). Initially design to make a smooth single page load/save feature that sotred everything in drop down lists, you guessed it, alphabetically. Can simply...
0 671 posted 13 years ago by FatFolderDesigner
A simple way to filter lists or tables that uses a new "Contains" (note capitalization) selector to clean up the code a bit. Three examples are below, first sorts through a list, second a table, third a tabe and it correctly the alternating row color...
0 778 posted 13 years ago by FatFolderDesigner
When running live filters on large, long scripts you can get old, stale results replacing your new, fresh ones. After all, a search for everything containing 'S" in a large database of city names can take a lot longer than "Seattle", so your script g...
2 865 posted 13 years ago by FatFolderDesigner
Simple jQuery script to load additional content when you near the bottom of the page, same sorta thing Twitter does (although I originally programed it for a different use). Only thing of remark is the fact that it stores the current highest loaded v...
4 1151 posted 13 years ago by FatFolderDesigner
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