pymssql - handle guid column value

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  1. # final solution for pymssql guid col value
  2. import uuid
  3. # ...
  4. x = uuid.UUID( bytes=rs[0][1] )
  5. print x
  6. >>> print x
  7. >>> 524b585b-c827-db44-9d14-2dd72b6190fc
  9. # using pywintypes
  10. import pywintypes
  11. uv =pywintypes.IID( rs[0][1], True )
  14. also from test code in my Python25 install
  15. s = "{00020400-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}"
  16. iid = pywintypes.IID(s)
  17. iid2 = pywintypes.IID(buffer(iid), True)

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