Integrating Zend Framework 1.10 with Doctrine 2 (using Doctrine's Autoloader)

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an alternative to a previous method i did using Zend Framework's autoloaders only. this method uses Doctrine's autoloaders for doctrine's classes and Zend's for Zend's :)

i think the difficulty i had was autoloading from a specific directory (with just Zend's autoloaders). eg. in Doctrine autoloaders i will do

new Doctrine\Common\ClassLoader(

where the 2nd param is the path to find the classes. basically,

- we create a resource method in `bootstrap.php`.
- in it, we setup doctrine in a similar way to how the doctrine sandbox sets it up. to setup autoloading of doctrine's classes, as we create new doctrine class loaders, we push them into the zend's autoloader.
- then its basically the same as the sandbox app, setting up caches, metadata drivers, proxies etc.

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