Solving p-median location allocation problem with Lagrangian Relaxation heuristics

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  1. --- solve_problems.m
  3. function report = solve_problems()
  4. % data_files={'Alberta';'Galvao100';'Galvao100';'Galvao150';'Galvao150';'Galvao150'};
  5. % p=[10 10 15 5 15 20];
  6. % data_files={'TestData'};
  7. % p=[2];
  8. data_files={'Alberta'};
  9. p=[10];
  10. for i=1:length(data_files)
  11. data_file=char(data_files(i));
  12. dist=distances([data_file '_distances.txt']);
  13. demand=load([data_file '_demands.txt']);
  14. [bestLB,iterations,debug]=solve_p_median(dist,demand,p(i));
  15. report(i).bestLB=bestLB;
  16. report(i).iterations=iterations;
  17. report(i).debug=debug;
  18. dlmwrite([data_file '_p' int2str(p(i)) '_iterations.txt'],iterations);
  19. dlmwrite([data_file '_p' int2str(p(i)) '_debug.txt'],debug);
  20. end
  22. --- distances.m
  24. function distances=distances(data_file)
  25. distance_data=load(data_file);
  26. distances=zeros(distance_data(end,1)+1);
  27. for row=1:length(distance_data)
  28. from=distance_data(row,1);
  29. to=distance_data(row,2);
  30. distance=distance_data(row,3);
  31. distances(to,from)=distance;
  32. distances(from,to)=distance;
  33. end
  35. --- solve_p_median.m
  37. function [bestLB,iterations,debug]=solve_p_median(dist,demand,p)
  38. bestLB=0;
  39. bestUB=inf;
  40. currentLB=0;
  41. currentUB=inf;
  42. iterations(1,:)=[0 currentLB bestLB currentUB bestUB];
  43. pi=2;
  44. n_c=length(demand); % number of customers
  45. n_s=length(dist(:,1)); % number of sites
  46. u=ones(n_c,1); % LR (Lagrangean Relaxation) multipliers
  47. zero=zeros(n_c,1);
  48. x=zeros(n_s,n_c); % site/customer assignments
  49. i=1;
  50. piUpdateTime=1;
  51. improvementOccurred=0;
  52. debug=[0 0 2 zeros(1,p) u']; % parameters stored for debugging (iteration, step_size, pi, open facilities, u)
  53. while(~stoppingCondition(pi,bestLB,bestUB,i))
  54. for s=1:n_s
  55. cost=dist(:,s).*demand;
  56. newCost=cost-u;
  57. z_LR(s)=sum(min(zero,newCost));
  58. x(s,find(newCost<0))=1; % x_{s,c} = 1 if cost negative
  59. end
  60. [z_sorted,order]=sort(z_LR);
  61. currentLB=sum(z_sorted(1:p))+sum(u); % z_{LR}(u) value is current LB
  62. facilities=order(1:p); % open p facilities where z is smallest
  63. x(setdiff(1:n_s,facilities),:)=0; % x_{s,c} \leq y_s \forall s,c constraint
  64. if(currentLB>bestLB)
  65. bestLB=currentLB;
  66. end
  67. currentUB=findUB(facilities,dist,demand);
  68. if(currentUB<bestUB)
  69. bestUB=currentUB;
  70. end
  71. iterations(i+1,:)=[i currentLB bestLB currentUB bestUB];
  72. normOfRelaxedCsts=sum((1-sum(x)).^2);
  73. if(normOfRelaxedCsts == 0) % hit the lower bound
  74. break
  75. end
  76. step=pi*(bestUB-currentLB)/normOfRelaxedCsts; % s^t = {\pi (UB* - z_{LR}(u^t)) \over \sum_c (1-\sum_s x_{sc})^2}
  77. u=u+step*(1-sum(x))'; % u_c^{t+1} = u_c^t + s^t (1-\sum_s x_{sc}^t)
  78. if(~improvementsOccur(iterations,piUpdateTime))
  79. pi=pi/2;
  80. piUpdateTime=i;
  81. end
  82. debug(i+1,:)=[i step pi facilities u'];
  83. i=i+1
  84. end
  86. function result=stoppingCondition(pi,bestLB,bestUB,iterationNo)
  87. result = (pi < 0.005) | (bestUB == bestLB);
  88. % result = iterationNo > 15000 | (bestUB == bestLB);
  90. function result=improvementsOccur(iterations,piUpdateTime)
  91. n=30;
  92. currentTime=length(iterations(:,1));
  93. timeSinceLastPiUpdate=currentTime-piUpdateTime;
  94. if(currentTime <= n | timeSinceLastPiUpdate <= n)
  95. result = 1;
  96. else
  97. lastImpForLB=whenDidLastImprovementOccur(iterations(end-n:end,3));
  98. lastImpForUB=whenDidLastImprovementOccur(iterations(end-n:end,5));
  99. if(lastImpForLB <= n | lastImpForUB <= n)
  100. result = 1;
  101. else
  102. result = 0;
  103. end
  104. end
  106. function lastImp=whenDidLastImprovementOccur(iterations)
  107. lastValue=iterations(end);
  108. ixLastImp=length(find(iterations~=lastValue));
  109. lastImp=length(iterations)-ixLastImp;
  111. function currentUB=findUB(facilities,dist,demand)
  112. feasibleAssignments=assignCustomers(facilities,dist);
  113. currentUB=sum(feasibleAssignments.*dist)*demand;
  115. function customerAssignments=assignCustomers(facilities,dist)
  116. n_s=length(dist(:,1)); % number of sites
  117. n_c=length(dist(1,:)); % number of customers
  118. customerAssignments=zeros(n_s,n_c);
  119. distOpenFacilities=dist(facilities,:);
  120. [minDist,order]=min(distOpenFacilities);
  121. for c=1:n_c
  122. customerAssignments(facilities(order(c)),c)=1;
  123. end

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