http auth via mysql

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Copy this code and paste it in your HTML
  1. AuthMYSQL on
  2. AuthMySQL_Authoritative on
  3. AuthMySQL_DB database_name
  4. AuthMySQL_Password_Table table_name
  5. AuthMySQL_Group_Table table_name
  6. AuthMySQL_Empty_Passwords off
  7. AuthMySQL_Encryption_Types Plaintext Crypt_DES MySQL
  8. #Auth_MySQL_Username_Field username
  9. #Auth_MySQL_Password_Field passwd
  10. #Auth_MySQL_Group_Field groups
  11. #Auth_MySQL_Group_User_Field username
  13. AuthUserFile /dev/null
  14. AuthBasicAuthoritative Off
  15. AuthName "Private Zone"
  16. AuthType Basic
  18. <Limit GET POST>
  19. require group example_group
  20. # require valid-user
  21. </Limit>

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