German datepicker configuration

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This is a german configuration for the datepicker. So you can copy and use and don't have to rewrite it every time.

Notice that this is just for the german way, if you need multiple languages use another way instead.

Copy this code and paste it in your HTML
  1. var dateOfBirthDatepickerSettings = {
  2. dateFormat: "",
  3. dayNamesMin: ["So","Mo","Di","Mi","Do","Fr","Sa"],
  4. monthNames: ["Januar","Februar","März","April","Mai","Juni","Juli","August","September","Oktober","November","Dezember"],
  5. monthNamesShort: ["Jan","Feb","Mrz","Apr","Mai","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Okt","Nov","Dez"],
  6. nextText: "später"
  7. }

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