Simple XOR Hash

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This is a simple hash that pads its input to the block size and XORs every block together. Output is in hexadecimal octets. Probability of collisions is extremely high and they are easy to calculate, although the function is one-way, so this is more (though, not very) useful as a checksum.

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  1. def xor_hash(a_value, block_size=16):
  2. value_size = len(a_value)
  3. padding = value_size % block_size
  4. padding = 0 if padding == 0 else block_size - padding
  5. value_size += padding
  7. if (padding != 0):
  8. a_value += b'\x00' * padding
  10. retval = bytearray(bytes(block_size))
  12. for a_block in range(1, value_size, block_size):
  13. a_block = a_value[(a_block-1):(a_block+block_size-1)]
  15. for i in range(0, block_size):
  16. retval[i] ^= a_block[i]
  18. return retval
  20. if (__name__ == "__main__"):
  21. import sys
  23. a_value = bytearray(' '.join(sys.argv[1:]), encoding="utf-8")
  24. a_hash = xor_hash(a_value)
  25. print(''.join(["%0.2x" % a_byte for a_byte in a_hash]))

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