Star out password for reminder

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Nice little function will star out a password for simple reminder -
Original Password: password41!
New: ******d41!
Enter number of letters to show at end with $number_show

Copy this code and paste it in your HTML
  1. function star_out_password($password,$number_show){
  2. $star = '';
  3. if(is_numeric($number_show) && $number_show < strlen($password){
  4. $star = str_repeat('*',(strlen($password) -$number_show)) . substr($password,-$number_show,$number_show);
  5. }
  6. return $star;
  7. }
  9. /* TRY IT OUT */
  11. $reminder = star_out_password('m$ypaSs423',4); // returns *******s423

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