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Get password from keychain (OSX)
0 959 posted 9 years ago by alfirth
cd to directory, then run the line below to change any spaces in a filename to hyphens
0 1942 posted 10 years ago by flatearthcomms
<p>unzip -l ./zips/2014/* -d ./unzipped/2014/</p>
0 1089 posted 11 years ago by khaksari
Bring an application to front to gain focus.
1 1047 posted 13 years ago by mirage3d
A pair of handy terminal commands for converting Apple .plist preference files from binary to XML format [allowing for easy editing with a text editor] and then back to binary again, afterwards.
0 1464 posted 13 years ago by stiobhart
See also http://www.gnu.org/software/bash/manual/bashref.html#Bindable-Readline-Commands for the standard bindings and more detailed explanation of what they do.
0 1021 posted 13 years ago by cczona
If you need to zip a directory named folderName and ignore all .DS_Store files, then do the following:
0 891 posted 13 years ago by beneberle
Open Terminal and type the following:
0 812 posted 13 years ago by redconservatory
Cocoa provides NSTask to run subprocesses. It can be used to run shell scripts, but all this manual pipe and file handling is a bit cumbersome. Fortunately, for a simple script, we can use the trusty old system and redirect its result to a file.
0 1165 posted 13 years ago by zingo
Do you need you app to do something when it is first run on a certain computer? Do you need to know if it has been run before? Enter the following code into your Application Delegate. This code creates a BOOL that is created when the app is run. T...
0 1192 posted 13 years ago by zingo
0 906 posted 13 years ago by xz
Get a list of providers for DTrace that OSX supports. (DTrace is a probe/profiling tool created by Sun that came with Mac OS X starting with Leopard.)
0 1054 posted 13 years ago by zingo
Stolen from stetho -- All thanks to him -- Now, about your folder actions… http://bit.ly/fW9ExM
0 1008 posted 14 years ago by brandonjp
Place script into Automator (select "Run Shell Script" choose /usr/bin/ruby as the shell). You'll need to create a bit.ly account which will give you your API key for authentication.
0 745 posted 14 years ago by insanedreamer
If you want to run Google Chrome with additional program arguments under OSX, one way, is to use "open" and its --args argument. Use it to start Chrome with the --allow-file-access-from-files setting (or any other). Create a link to it to run i...
0 982 posted 14 years ago by nonlinearsound
0 760 posted 14 years ago by austinhappel
Big ups to Tom Gidden for this one. If you\'re not all that happy about some of the changes in iTunes 10, or if you\'d rather look through your own library instead of the itunes store, give these a try.
0 869 posted 14 years ago by beneberle
If you have any contributions, please comment here.
0 795 posted 14 years ago by uptimejeff
**Download**\r\n\r\n1. Download the latest source code from the [GNU wget website](http://www.gnu.org/software/wget/ \"GNU wget website\"). You can download the latest version from [this link](http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/wget/wget-latest.tar.gz \"Latest w...
0 1141 posted 14 years ago by armanx
0 924 posted 14 years ago by traeregan
Drawing scaled rectangles of arbitrary width and height that keeps the corner and sides properly scaled while growing the center.
1 1209 posted 14 years ago by zingo
List of breakpoints for debuging with gdb. Add them to your ~/.gdbinit.
0 1066 posted 14 years ago by zingo
Put in a .vncloc to create a clickable link to a VNC host. Opens up in Screen Sharing.app
1 849 posted 14 years ago by oskarhagberg
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