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`^!d::` hot key is customizable.
`+ ^c^+{+}` is "Shift space ; Ctrl C; Ctrl shift +", stands for "select row; copy; insert".
`{Esc}{Down}{Up}` stands for "leave current copy selection; go down then up (to bring back the selection from the whole...
posted 11 years ago by Ginko
This is a AutoHotKey.com script. It runs on Windows and allows you to lock your computer by simply hitting a single key combination and unlock it with a different one. Download the whole script at the url listed.
posted 11 years ago by deanhouseholder
Be sure to change all Audio references to the corresponding window title in your language. This script switch the default audio device in Windows 7 to the second audio device, in my case the Headphones. You can add one or more Send, {Down} statements...
posted 14 years ago by harrison3001
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