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Show information about a user in a Windows domain
0 1004 posted 8 years ago by rm1984
Copy file as current date as name file to destination directory
0 1434 posted 9 years ago by brm
**Vars** to to specify + ${EnvSet_Bash} **Demo** vars specified like + ${EnvSet_Bash}=[set-mysqlRT-Env](http://www.snipplr.com/view/80407/an-example-bash-file-for-set-temporary-path/ "set-mysqlRT-Env.bat") pluss other bash commond *...
0 1155 posted 10 years ago by jacktan
Run `mysqladmin` to shutdown msyql server with a specified option file. **Vars** to to specify + ${EnvSet_Bash} **Demo** vars specified like + ${EnvSet_Bash}=[set-mysqlRT-Env](http://www.snipplr.com/view/80407/an-example-bash-file-for-...
0 1224 posted 10 years ago by jacktan
Run a Mysql server using command line with a specified option file. **Vars** to to specify + ${EnvSet_Bash} **Demo** vars specified like + ${EnvSet_Bash}=[set-mysqlRT-Env](http://www.snipplr.com/view/80407/an-example-bash-file-for-set-...
0 1190 posted 10 years ago by jacktan
set-mysqlRT-Env.bat before you run other commands like mysql, call this bat for temporary PATH and other environment variables。 **Vars** to specify + ${STH_HOME} + ${homeValue} **Demo** Vars specified like + ${STH_HOME}=MYSQL_HOM...
0 1329 posted 10 years ago by jacktan
Replace COL with the cell number.
0 975 posted 10 years ago by lottegis
Nice script for formatting dates in a batch file without having the system locale settings impact your format
0 1303 posted 10 years ago by kidmizere
This is batch file clearing SharePoint Designer cache
1 1166 posted 11 years ago by rflipper
This is batch file clearing SharePoint Designer cache
0 1127 posted 11 years ago by rflipper
Return the IP address from a domain name.
0 1061 posted 11 years ago by mikaelpelle
ffmpeg - Convert Sony Cybershot MPG file to mp4 for JavaFX 2
0 1333 posted 11 years ago by laurenceosx
This type of conversion is very fast because the main audio video content is just copied (not converted) to a new container type of file.
1 1396 posted 11 years ago by laurenceosx
This will loop through files in somefolder with the extension .c, print out the filename and compile the files.
0 1276 posted 12 years ago by stianlagstad
7zip commandline builder for zipping extensions in an svn repository
0 1077 posted 12 years ago by lookmatters
A DOS batch script to handle registering and controlling a JBoss service.
0 1088 posted 12 years ago by djangofan
Registro manual de una libreria o proceso DLL en windows
0 1008 posted 12 years ago by thescorpion
This is a batch file that will add the date to the end of all files in a particular directory located on the user's desktop and place them in a directory called Output_Renamed on the user's desktop.
2 1336 posted 12 years ago by _reydin_
This is a fraction of a much larger script which does multiple tasks. This scriptlet is intended to be interactive and somewhat user-friendly. First, it asks if you want to place the computer into sleep mode, then it kills pesky processes associated...
1 1240 posted 12 years ago by Rectifier
Uses the sysinternals (microsoft) utility PsLogList to save specified event logs to files and then clears them. Method can be used to save logs as .evt and .evtx. This script has four event logs listed as an example and has a template command comment...
0 1698 posted 12 years ago by Rectifier
This is a simple batch script to clear the event logs from a windows 7 or server 2008 machine. The script does *not* save these logs. This was tested on a local machine but could be adapted for remote use.
1 1338 posted 12 years ago by Rectifier
Quickly combine/append ascii type files such as txt or csv.
0 1112 posted 12 years ago by webonomic
script imports svn dump into the repository
0 1053 posted 13 years ago by altern
Batch script creates repository dump of specific project in repository. It assumes that repository has following structure: /project1 /trunk /tags /branches /project2 /trunk /tags /b...
0 1070 posted 13 years ago by altern
Batch script creates initial svn repository structure according to SCM framework (http://scm.altern.kiev.ua): /project /trunk /tags /builds /PA /A /B...
0 1031 posted 13 years ago by altern
'svn add' all unversioned files in a working copy to svn repository recursively on windows
0 1235 posted 13 years ago by altern
Useful to open an image for viewing from the command line under Windows, in this example the image is generated by the GraphViz dot command.
0 1909 posted 13 years ago by m1b
Just run at the prompt cygwin bash $ cmd.exe /c start .
0 1435 posted 13 years ago by peterlubczynski
This command will tell you the date of Installation of your Windows System. The result will look like this: *InstallDate = 11:48:12 28.06.2010*
0 1160 posted 14 years ago by bits
The code works if and only if your system is using English(United States) date format (i.e. "Web 05/11/2011"). If your systems is using English(United Kingdom) date format just replace %%B in the first and third rows with %%A.
0 1375 posted 14 years ago by cappellin
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