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This the base code for creating adapter class which is used for filling recyclerview in android. This snippet is written in kotlin but it is same to the java version
0 18559 posted 4 years ago by m3000
To use this free scraper for instagram business profiles you need to have account at known [web scraping service](https://www.diggernaut.com/). This scraper allow you to scrape contact details from business profiles and also indicate if profile is bu...
0 4057 posted 6 years ago by martinson
Hey guys, Sharing my diggernaut's scripts for web scraping, hope it will be useful for you. This is script for scraping user's accounts without logging in to instagram, so no risk. What you can get with it: all information about user (his full...
0 1040 posted 7 years ago by martinson
0 800 posted 7 years ago by wanderlusts
Code to add the calender webpart on SharePoint Online by Powershell
0 847 posted 8 years ago by ashusah
let commandOutput = executeCommand("/bin/echo", ["Hello, I am here!"]) println("Command output: \(commandOutput)")
0 882 posted 9 years ago by nguyenvu
Get Documents directory path in Swift
0 976 posted 9 years ago by ryantxr
cd to directory, then run the line below to change any spaces in a filename to hyphens
0 1711 posted 10 years ago by flatearthcomms
Zip all files in a directory files into separate archives
0 1079 posted 10 years ago by flatearthcomms
Set up a .git repository using terminal
0 938 posted 10 years ago by flatearthcomms
0 943 posted 10 years ago by temanuel
Loads an XML file and iterates through its nodes. Uses Sample XML file from [http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms762271(v=vs.85).aspx](http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms762271(v=vs.85).aspx) ` <?xml> <catalog> <book>...
0 900 posted 10 years ago by telltec
A sample JSON representation of an Esri Web map based on the [ExportWebMap specifications]( http://resources.arcgis.com/en/help/rest/apiref/exportwebmap_spec.html) The JSON is a parameter to be input into the [Export Web Map task]( http://sample...
0 1168 posted 10 years ago by azmi
The telnet is insecure and unencrypted protocol. The use of this unencrypted protocol could allow users to sniff network traffic and to steal sensitive information like username and password.
0 840 posted 10 years ago by danielt72
Launch DOS prompt to the SharePoint 2013 hive. To 'Run as Administrator' simply right-click on the batch file and select that option.
0 1029 posted 10 years ago by adove
Open Windows Explorer to the SharePoint 2013 hive using a batch file. Double-click the batch file.
0 1032 posted 10 years ago by adove
0 732 posted 10 years ago by orourkebm
This can load live map JSON data from Expression Engine Database Locations Entry.
0 901 posted 10 years ago by darith
0 781 posted 11 years ago by roboninjapiratejesus
git checkout remote branch
0 800 posted 11 years ago by tzvio
git delete local branch
2 819 posted 11 years ago by tzvio
Git create new branch
2 780 posted 11 years ago by tzvio
This formula will automatically change a cell's background color if there is data in it. You can also change the formula to only fill cells where there is no data.
0 782 posted 11 years ago by kidmizere
Push branch to remote in git.
1 816 posted 11 years ago by tzvio
Several tricks for your .htaccess file.
0 855 posted 11 years ago by telltec
check the file out in the browser in spd, right click the file and choose "undo checkout" repeat the last two steps until the checkmark goes away in spd check the file out in spd. it should now get the latest version to edit
0 892 posted 11 years ago by rumremix
Try to run Codeigniter in a subfolder of a Wordpress installation and want to remove index.php for clean URLs? Put this code in a .htaccess file in your codeigniter directory ("cidir" in this example).
0 2044 posted 11 years ago by telltec
Host file location on XP
0 793 posted 11 years ago by thesmu
0 678 posted 11 years ago by kennyvb
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