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Commands to dump and load a database in django
0 1494 posted 11 years ago by erichlotto
It's imposible to read de "_id" field en django templates ( {{element._id}} === error) So, to read it, you must do a templatetag. Now you hace the templatetag, you can use it like this: {{element|pk}}
0 1449 posted 11 years ago by viroide
Just an error log from TelecinePlay. Please.. don't share error logs in public..
0 1086 posted 12 years ago by novazoo
While django provides the django_admin.py cleanup script, if sessions get out of control sometimes you have to go lower level to get everything cleaned up. If the problem gets out of hand and you hit the resource limits of the machine, it is very dif...
0 1383 posted 13 years ago by magicrebirth
0 1052 posted 13 years ago by stewartduffy
Not only is it really really fast; it's also order preserving and supports an optional transform function
0 1168 posted 13 years ago by magicrebirth
Instead of directly edit your TEMPLATE\_CONTEXT\_PROCESSORS, import it in your app's settings.py and just append what you need. (credits: denysonique and all #django channel community)
0 1013 posted 14 years ago by caruso_g
0 1018 posted 14 years ago by Affix
Simula in Django i campi created e updated aggiornati automaticamente alla creazione e alla modifica del record (Versione 2 senza funzione save ridefinita)
0 1032 posted 14 years ago by munkypot
<a href="http://www.bestgooglekeywordtool.com">google keyword tool</a>
0 905 posted 15 years ago by uraq
0 1050 posted 15 years ago by martin_rusev
example: a method on a model that outputs a list of tuples with (attribute_name.verbose, attribute_value)
0 1070 posted 15 years ago by magicrebirth
First: create a file under djangoapp/templatetags where you define your tags [e.g.: myadmin_tags.py]: Second: create the html snippets that get loaded in those tags [e.g., personfactoid_info.html]: Third: in mytemplates/admin/ modify change_for...
1 1186 posted 15 years ago by magicrebirth
This function takes anything which can be dumped into JSON and returns an HTTP response of it, with the right Content-type header.
2 994 posted 15 years ago by magicrebirth
2 944 posted 15 years ago by vas3k
Don't run the dev server as an actual web server. I'm just doing this so I can work remotely on a vm.
0 1006 posted 15 years ago by tclancy
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