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With jQuery and SPServices, we have very powerful tools for accessing and manipulating Sharepoint data and precisiely contolling the presentation, entirely from the client side. But such solutions generally need to be either hard-coded into pages or...
0 1323 posted 11 years ago by rumremix
Comment out the SharePoint:SaveButton tag and replace with input tag
0 1226 posted 12 years ago by rumremix
Place the following inside a `<xsl:template>` block
0 1428 posted 12 years ago by rumremix
0 827 posted 13 years ago by sukantahazra
replacing single quotes with its (double-escaped) entity, for use of a text within xsl.
2 1312 posted 14 years ago by iroybot
1 754 posted 14 years ago by AlexLocust
1 826 posted 14 years ago by AlexLocust
This is xslt file for twitter-logged xml file. * cf. [Backup my twitter-log](http://snipplr.com/view/18925/backup-my-twitterlog/) * cf. [Merge twitter-logged files into one xml-file](http://snipplr.com/view/18928/merge-twitterlogged-files...
0 1005 posted 14 years ago by mustam
1 864 posted 14 years ago by Meander365
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