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IE Zone Analyzer allows comparing/importing/exporting of IE security zones
1 971 posted 13 years ago by theonlyalterego
TheGun is a great Windows Notepad replacement, but it's a bit painful in how it registers itself when you choose it to open a file. If you save it in "C:\Program Files\TheGun\THEGUN.EXE" and add something this to your registry, it should work nicely...
0 1049 posted 13 years ago by johngh
These registry settings show four different settings which do the following: "Hidden"=dword:00000001 - show hidden files "ShowSuperHidden"=dword:00000001 - show hidden system files "SuperHidden"=dword:00000001 - show hidden directories in the expl...
0 1271 posted 14 years ago by bits
Use the text files Preview Handler to display SQL files.
2 984 posted 14 years ago by ggponti
Internet Explorer 7 under Windows XP Service Pack 3 has the Windows Registry "Reserved Value" 180D set that was not set before, which can cause a "Do you want to move or copy files from this zone?" prompt on moves or copies between Windows shares if...
1 1383 posted 14 years ago by karlhorky
Based upon the Drive Icon Change Windows Vista tweak and the shell icons registry settings found at the respective links below, this Windows 7 / Vista tweak will set the default icon of all A-Z drive letters (like C: for instance) and the Desktop to...
1 1942 posted 14 years ago by karlhorky
The Query Builder allows you to control the AND and OR relation in your searches Note: 12.0 in the path below is the Outlook version, replace it with the Outlook version you have. Credit for this trick goes to: http://www.msoutlook.info/questio...
1 934 posted 15 years ago by ramisedhom
I changed the code on the web site slightly to get it to work with the registry editor. Once this new shell command is in place, right click on the directory of interest, and select "Delete SVN Folders" to strip all the .svn folders from the direc...
2 1497 posted 15 years ago by bswimley
Very useful for when you don't have Cygwin or are not running on a linux box...
0 1163 posted 16 years ago by abwaters
By default, the 'Administrator' user in XP won't show if any other users are defined. This is moronic. This one registry value will make that user show up regardless.
3 1049 posted 16 years ago by TALlama
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