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I first posted this code on my http://sitefromscratch.com site, but I decided to repost it up here on snipplr.com with some of the most recent modifications I've made. This code validates through W3C Strict XHTML Standards.
posted 15 years ago by smoothdzion
When I use the 960 Grid this is the code I use along with a CSS Reset. I really like Blueprint's default HTML Element styles, but I like the grid of 960.gs. This is a mashup of the code.
posted 15 years ago by smoothdzion
This code will allow you to have a full screen iframe with a header like a lot of sites do when navigating outside their site or featuring templates and things. Reference your CSS however you want. The HTML is necessary how it is, but add any addit...
posted 15 years ago by smoothdzion
Reset that I use for all my projects. I've added a class '.ib' at the end to easily add inline-block styling to any element.
posted 15 years ago by smoothdzion
Befindet sich die aktuell angezeigte Seite dabei unter den aufgelisteten Seiten, dann erhält dieser Listenpunkt die Klasse class="current_page_item":
posted 15 years ago by gabbo
In IE6 and IE7 when wrapping an anchor to the next line, the first anchor with the class="anchorClass" will not display the background image nor have the clickable padded area.
In your IE6 & IE7 bugfixes CSS adding the property/value display:inlin...
posted 15 years ago by Rogier
I needed a way to replace the default myspace headings with pictures.
It was easy enough to just superimpose jpg's over most of these with a {position:relative;} tag but the gigschedule proved a little harder as the distance between the top of th...
posted 15 years ago by thedavidmeister
This is handy for cleaning up your HTML to use more plain text and fewer img tags. Whether this is SEO friendly or not is subjective. I tend to think it's fine as long as you don't use it for spam. Digg implements a similar method for their main logo...
posted 15 years ago by adamcoulombe