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Ever needed to restrict an images size? Or stop it from growing best the size of your div/table. It’s a horrible feeling when you see your nicely designed site get trashed by a single image because it’s a pixel or two too big! And if it’s a...
posted 15 years ago by scopefragger
The canvas drawImage size default is 300 x 150, so it's using the CSS to resize the canvas. Example posted at http://pastebin.me/76aed7005b1b413ea3c479287f4dbd59
posted 15 years ago by Motty
This snippet will create an array of all images in a directory and sub-directories and display them randomly.
posted 15 years ago by superuntitled
I pieced together this code when I had to do this for a client:
- show the first image attached to a post (based on sort order in gallery tab) in medium size
- put all the other images attached to the post into an imageset so that when you click on...
posted 15 years ago by zartgesotten
Used this on a project to determine whether images were loaded or not. In an image carousel, for example, you could test the next/clicked image before advancing the slide, and if 'loaded' wasn't 'true', you could add a "loading" class and attach a ne...
posted 15 years ago by dougunderscorenelson
you'll need the ack (http://betterthangrep.com/) command line application
posted 15 years ago by iloveitaly
This is a simple script that will allow you to crop an image that you upload from a form.
posted 15 years ago by aristoworks
This method maintains its integrity with all combinations of images on/off and CSS on/off.
This method works by laying an empty span over the top of the parent element with the required image applied as a background to that span.
There is howev...
posted 15 years ago by justinseiter