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Everyone's Recent Python Snippets

0 955 posted 15 years ago by fnurl
A dictionary-like class that can be used to assign unique integer IDs to names. This class is part of the [igraph library](http://igraph.sourceforge.net), but I need it occasionally in other projects so I post it here.
1 793 posted 15 years ago by ntamas
It is necessary on occasion to execute a command in interactive shell. (I needed to to get access to some env vars... ) While there are many way to accomplish this I opted to run my cmd in interactive mode. To do so I had to write this little wrappe...
0 1687 posted 15 years ago by adaminuwashinet
This function takes 2 arguments, first is the string to be encoded (or decoded) the second is optional and can be used to change the rotation amount to something other than 13.
0 593 posted 15 years ago by Valdemarick
I always forget this.
0 778 posted 15 years ago by tclancy
アルゴリズムコンテストの勉強会で紹介したGoogle App Engineで動くpythonコードです Djangoフレームワークを前提にしています。 あまりコードとしては参考にならないかも知れませんが、こã...
0 1698 posted 15 years ago by tamuratetsuya
Tumblr taglist generator returns your Tumblog tags under JSON format. Written in Python and utilized Google App Engine.
1 786 posted 15 years ago by doqtu84
Me trying to not be a noob in python. Yes, I know my noob is probably showing.
0 645 posted 15 years ago by jakswa
1 958 posted 15 years ago by vasilije
0 572 posted 15 years ago by trey
Here's a short program to print a list of all of the documents in your Google Documents account
0 580 posted 15 years ago by hemanthhm
0 608 posted 15 years ago by tamuratetsuya
These are code snippets from different files for a Pylons project that show a working (provided the environment) htmlfill example.
1 1093 posted 16 years ago by wackysalut
This source code uses the xml file posted here(http://snipplr.com/view/4138/backup-script2--confg-file/) to know which file should be sent and mailing configuration.
0 669 posted 16 years ago by mjsmagalhaes
0 678 posted 16 years ago by deepdown
This simple example tests and shows off a fully working FormEncode (v1.2) example. I've had a hard time finding an example, so I now give it to you.
1 954 posted 16 years ago by wackysalut
Also works with weighted degree or any other property you might think of.
0 936 posted 16 years ago by ntamas