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0 691 posted 13 years ago by r2cgroup
0 542 posted 13 years ago by r2cgroup
Archivo CSS que se publica en el tutorial Formulario Registro de Usuarios en PHP con validación de campos y activación por mail creado por COLORATE .--> http://www.colordeu.es/BLOG/registros-de-usuario-en-php-y-mysql-con-validacion-de-campos-y-acti...
0 1247 posted 13 years ago by danideu
0 612 posted 13 years ago by madr
0 560 posted 13 years ago by madr
0 635 posted 13 years ago by madr
0 809 posted 13 years ago by Caneco
The find and replace regular expressions convert from Font Squirrel's generated @font-face.
1 637 posted 13 years ago by ertbor
We've tested on: Safari 5.03, IE 6-9, Firefox 3.6-4, Chrome 8, iOS 3.2-4.2, Android 2.2-2.3, Opera 11
0 701 posted 13 years ago by blueocto
0 812 posted 13 years ago by MarkusToe
0 567 posted 13 years ago by tonatiuh
1 702 posted 13 years ago by fadehelix
0 618 posted 13 years ago by germanny
3 699 posted 13 years ago by SixteenOne
0 728 posted 13 years ago by adriano
6 923 posted 13 years ago by adriano
These are just two css media queries you may want to use for your website development. With lots of smart-phones, and tablets being able to orientate their screens from landscape to portrait, you may want to include different styles for each. This is...
1 696 posted 13 years ago by paul66
IE7 by default uses an image resizing algorithm that means that scaled down images can look far from awesome. To solve this, we simply enable a much better resizing algorithm that is available in IE7 that produces results similar to what you’d expe...
0 660 posted 13 years ago by paul66
This snippet basically gives us the best of both worlds, allowing the best usability when it comes to link outlines for both screenreaders tabbing through links, and mouse users.
0 669 posted 13 years ago by paul66
Alignment of labels with their relevant inputs can be a horrible task to achieve in older browsers. This snippets solves that for us by making it consistent across browsers!
0 584 posted 13 years ago by paul66
This snippet simply makes the text wrap when it reaches the walls of its container, in this case, the pre tag, whilst still preserving line breaks and white space cross browser.
0 659 posted 13 years ago by paul66
Sometimes, pages can be shorter than the browser view-port, and when you load a page on the same site that has longer content and uses a scrollbar, content can jump side to side. By forcing a scrollbar no matter the height of our content, we stop thi...
0 700 posted 13 years ago by paul66
To get rid of rendering inconsistencies that can occur between browsers and OS’s when rendering fonts in pixels, this snippet allows you to size your fonts in such a way that the size and line-height will remain consistent across these platforms fo...
0 587 posted 13 years ago by paul66
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