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I used to directly inject javascript and CSS into my HEAD elements just like you see in all of the tutorials online and in books. Recently I decided to try a different approach, and I feel this is more in keeping with the ruby and rails "declaration"...
0 926 posted 14 years ago by sgtrock
I used to directly inject javascript and CSS into my HEAD elements just like you see in all of the tutorials online and in books. Recently I decided to try a different approach, and I feel this is more in keeping with the ruby and rails "declaration"...
0 897 posted 14 years ago by sgtrock
If you have not already been writing your border-radius statements with progressive enhancement in mind, now is most definitely the time to do it.
3 850 posted 14 years ago by justinseiter
0 662 posted 14 years ago by AzizLight
0 842 posted 14 years ago by hmendes
Internet Explorer does not support a standards compliant way to create text shadows. Learn how to emulate the CSS3 feature with this jQuery plugin.
3 1200 posted 14 years ago by neal_grosskopf
Nice bullet-proof @font-face declaration.
1 670 posted 14 years ago by johndonahue
0 545 posted 14 years ago by Michael01
0 992 posted 14 years ago by hanzwurzt
Adds a browser and operating system class to your HTML Tag.
1 886 posted 14 years ago by smoothdzion
I'm tired of <div id="container">
0 532 posted 14 years ago by xTraCD
0 587 posted 14 years ago by gd6d
1 680 posted 14 years ago by gerhardsletten
Inspired by http://particletree.com/features/rediscovering-the-button-element/
1 655 posted 14 years ago by cssbutton
0 759 posted 14 years ago by yisreldov
There are a lot of 'starters' out there but I wanted one with all the things I use to start a new project. I find it easier to remove lines I don't need than to hunt and peck for each item...this also makes the starter serve as a sort of 'checklist'...
2 1199 posted 14 years ago by mahalie
Rounded corners for mozilla & webkit
2 475 posted 14 years ago by kerpunk
0 613 posted 14 years ago by kerpunk
In v1.6, the Thesis Theme has a bug which removes a necessary space in the HTML body tag if you add a filter targeting the thesis_body_classes hook. To get the native WP body_class function to work, use this code:
2 1041 posted 14 years ago by joelhaus
1 553 posted 14 years ago by dobata
Makes your PRE code wrap and work with all browsers.
1 828 posted 14 years ago by smoothdzion
1 662 posted 14 years ago by fatihturan
2 780 posted 14 years ago by fatihturan
0 559 posted 14 years ago by fatihturan
Summary @font-face allows authors to specify online fonts to display text on their webpages. By allowing authors to provide their own fonts, @font-face eliminates the need to depend on the limited number of fonts users have installed on their comput...
3 767 posted 14 years ago by rwczippy
1 722 posted 14 years ago by ReeceMarsland
1 663 posted 14 years ago by ReeceMarsland
1 656 posted 14 years ago by ReeceMarsland
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