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this layout has a fixed width sidebar and a fluid main body.
1 585 posted 17 years ago by penguin999
シンプルなドロップダウンメニュー。入れ子方式。 by http://www.pmob.co.uk/temp/dropdown_horizontal2.htm
1 928 posted 17 years ago by fjm
via http://icant.co.uk/csstablegallery/
0 707 posted 17 years ago by fjm
STICKER - A valid, easy to use CSS sticky footer by Ryan Fait This is the basic CSS you need along with the one extra empty div and the wrapper required to achieve the effect. I suggest that you leave the * { margin: 0; } code in while testing a...
8 1050 posted 17 years ago by daeliur
0 596 posted 17 years ago by fjm
0 629 posted 17 years ago by fjm
0 618 posted 17 years ago by valcartei
0 737 posted 17 years ago by jccovey
CSS image replacement with no extra span needed.
3 664 posted 17 years ago by 1man
Say you want a containing block with 2 floating elements to expand around the floating element, usually this wouldn't happen since the container has no height because the floating elements are out of the usual flow. The method below fixes this pro...
3 732 posted 17 years ago by 1man
Useful for setting transparent dropdowns, etc.
6 881 posted 17 years ago by pmusaraj
This code centers text vertical.
2 668 posted 17 years ago by narmolanya
This solution is cool for screen readers, because they also read the text content.
2 672 posted 17 years ago by narmolanya
3 951 posted 17 years ago by soxiam
Wer mal nur den IE7 mit css ansprechen will oder muss zb. weil der IE7 einen bestimmten bug hat, kann dies folgendermaßen tun. *:first-child+html Wenn man also zb. die schriftfarbe der css class “meineklasse” nur für den IE7 verändern wi...
0 888 posted 17 years ago by smilylion
Very simple navigation. Style the id using CSS. Allows you to highlight the current page with CSS.
1 974 posted 17 years ago by 1man
text-index: -9999px; などして置換している場合、この数字の通りにアウトライン (クリックした際の点線) がヨコに伸びてしまう。 これを解決する方法。
1 835 posted 17 years ago by masaya
Removes the default styling different browsers use, so you minimise cross browser problems.
1 712 posted 17 years ago by 1man
Example off ALA, pleasing typography layout for the web. Based on the grid system.
4 966 posted 17 years ago by 1man
This template is for an XHTML 1.1 document with an external stylesheet.
0 990 posted 17 years ago by cpjobling
Useful function for CSS DOM, returns the next element after the selected node. So you could style the element directly after a h1 element for example.
2 725 posted 17 years ago by 1man
0 821 posted 17 years ago by gndprx
A low-tech but useful technique that uses only CSS. After placing the css in your stylesheet, insert this just below the body tag of your page: "". Whenever the images are referenced throughout your pages they will now be loaded from cache.
0 9428 posted 17 years ago by aznprncritic
A great script that will serve up stylesheets based on browser viewport size.
5 1088 posted 17 years ago by aznprncritic
paste above in HEAD tag
1 744 posted 17 years ago by clapfouine
Les propriétés racourcies Exemple avec la propriété raccourcie 'font': En clair vous pouvez résumer ça: p { font-size: 1em; line-height: 1.5em; font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-family: verdana...
3 850 posted 17 years ago by clapfouine
Most of these come from the book "CSS Mastery: Advanced Web Standards Solutions," a must-read by Andy Budd (seriously, even if you've used CSS for years, you'll learn a good deal of new things from this book; beginners should read this imme...
2 564 posted 17 years ago by pckujawa