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The loading of JS social buttons its deferred until onload event its fired.
0 831 posted 11 years ago by jefrancomix
Con ese codigo pueden agregar tildes y ñ en los alert o en las funciones de facebook
0 844 posted 11 years ago by serialk89
removes scrollbars and expand to content height.
0 834 posted 12 years ago by bonalepo
Utilizzare il login d facebook in icloud appcelerator
0 768 posted 12 years ago by boardmain
Just add an image... try it.
2 975 posted 12 years ago by jkdreaming
Some FB apps are longer than the 800px default FB limit and most are designed to 520px. When your content is longer than the 800px default a verticle scroll bars appears and if you have a hard-coded width in your CSS of 520px this forces a horizontal...
0 864 posted 12 years ago by the_construct
A complete HTML page for a Facebook "app" that does login entirely on the client. 1 - Create a Facebook application (see Facebook developer docs.). 2 - Because of a Facebook "bug" the app should have Sandbox Mode disabled (App Settings - Advanced -...
8 1845 posted 13 years ago by rlmcneary2
Exibir a caixa de like customizada com css.
0 836 posted 13 years ago by shadow_d2
Share current page on Facebook wall or Twitter
1 831 posted 13 years ago by pratheep
Copy and paste this code into the URL box and press enter. You will see it happen in realtime. Make sure all of your friends are loaded first, as Facebook uses lazy loading! To learn more, visit my blog post on it at http://www.brettwidmann.com/2011/...
0 823 posted 13 years ago by goatboy91587
Recomienda la app facebook a los amigos mediante FB.ui
0 815 posted 13 years ago by serialk89
Envia un mensaje a los amigos desde method send de facebook graph
0 790 posted 13 years ago by serialk89
Muestra un cuadro de dialigo en una app de facebook
0 712 posted 13 years ago by serialk89
Verifica si el usuario es fans de la pagina o no.
0 815 posted 13 years ago by serialk89
This script will handle any vertical resizing issues with a Facebook IFrame tab application, such as the resizing of the frame when elements expand, such as a Facebook Comments plugin. It uses the "FB.Canvas.setAutoResize" method from the Facebook Ja...
0 743 posted 13 years ago by SFLWebDev
The user id was randomized from the original one, and the oauth_token similarly mangled. It is also likely expired anyways. It is just for reference of the structure.
1 791 posted 13 years ago by Maelstrom
This is the latest Facebook invite all code to select all your friends in an event page
1 723 posted 13 years ago by socialwebexpert
A more flexible version of the 'official' Facebook feed dialog example. "The Feed Dialog prompts the user to publish an individual story to a profile's feed. This does not require any extended permissions." "The following simple JavaScript exam...
0 945 posted 14 years ago by coprolit
3 1007 posted 14 years ago by Mosaic
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