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Revision: 9852
at November 25, 2008 20:25 by rowntreerob

Initial Code
leo iJam]$ find . -name videos* | grep -v '[0-9]\{4\}.xml' |grep -v 'videos_dev' |grep -v 'videos_1' |grep -v 'videos1' |xargs grep CDATA | awk ' { if ( substr($2,2,4) == "name" ) { print substr($2,16)   } else {print substr($2,20)}  } '  | sed 's/\]\].*$//' | awk  ' { if (NR % 2 == 1) { print $0"/"h".flv" } else {h=$0} }' | sort -o /tmp/video_play_list

[rob@leo iJam]$ less /tmp/video_play_list

Initial URL

Initial Description
get a list of all the video files played in all the vortexes

Initial Title
video play list from list of xml config files

Initial Tags

Initial Language