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Revision: 9909
at November 28, 2008 20:47 by miohtama

Initial Code
* @projectDescription 	Poly9's polyvalent URLParser class
* Modified to URL reconstruction by Mikko Ohtamaa.
* @authorDenis Laprise <[email protected]>, Mikko Ohtamaa <[email protected]>
* @version	0.2
* @namespace	Poly9
* How to query URL: 
* <pre>
* var p = new Poly9.URLParser('http://user:[email protected]/pathname?arguments=1#fragment');
* p.getHost() == '';
* p.getProtocol() == 'http';
* p.getPathname() == '/pathname';
* p.getQuerystring() == 'arguments=1';
* p.getFragment() == 'fragment';
* p.getUsername() == 'user';
* p.getPassword() == 'password';
* </pre>
* How to manipulate URL:
* <pre>
* var p = new Poly9.URLParser("http://localhost:8080/path);
* p.setQuerystring("foo=bar");
* p.setFragment("anchor");
* p.setPort(7070);
* var url = p.getURL() // http://localhost:7070/path?foo=bar#anchor
* </pre>
* See the unit test file for more examples.
* URLParser is freely distributable under the terms of an MIT-style license.
* The orignal code:

if (typeof Poly9 == 'undefined')
 var Poly9 = {};

 * Creates an URLParser instance
 * @classDescription	Creates an URLParser instance
 * @return {Object}	return an URLParser object
 * @param {String} url	The url to parse
 * @constructor
 * @exception {String}  Throws an exception if the specified url is invalid
Poly9.URLParser = function(url) {
 this._fields = {'Username' : 4, 'Password' : 5, 'Port' : 7, 'Protocol' : 2, 'Host' : 6, 'Pathname' : 8, 'URL' : 0, 'Querystring' : 9, 'Fragment' : 10};
 this._values = {};
 this._regex = null;
 this.version = 0.2;
 // MO: Fixed fragments are allowed to contain dash 
 this._regex = /^((\w+):\/\/)?((\w+):?(\w+)?@)?([^\/\?:]+):?(\d+)?(\/?[^\?#]+)?\??([^#]+)?#?([^#]*)/;
 for (var f in this._fields) {
 	this['get' + f] = this._makeGetter(f);
 	this['set' + f] = this._makeSetter(f);
 // Patch in getURL, since otherwise field generators override this
 this.getURL = this._getURL;
 if (typeof url != 'undefined')
 * @method 
 * @param {String} url	The url to parse
 * @exception {String} 	Throws an exception if the specified url is invalid
Poly9.URLParser.prototype.setURL = function(url) {

 * Rebuild the URL to string form
 * @method 
 * @return {String} Reconstructed full URL
Poly9.URLParser.prototype._getURL = function() {
	var s;
	s = this.getProtocol();
	s += "://"

	if(this.getUsername() != '') {
		s += this.getUsername();		
	if(this.getPassword() != '') {
		s += ":";
		s += this.getPassword();
	if(this.getUsername() != '') {
		s += "@";
	s += this.getHost();
	if(this.getPort() != '') {
		s += ":" + this.getPort();
	s += this.getPathname();
	if(this.getQuerystring() != '') {
		s += "?" + this.getQuerystring();
	if(this.getFragment() != '') {
		s += "#" + this.getFragment();
	return s;	

Poly9.URLParser.prototype._initValues = function() {
   for(var f in this._fields)
   this._values[f] = '';

Poly9.URLParser.prototype._parse = function(url) {
  var r = this._regex.exec(url);
  if (!r) throw "DPURLParser::_parse -> Invalid URL"
  for(var f in this._fields) if (typeof r[this._fields[f]] != 'undefined')
   this._values[f] = r[this._fields[f]];

Poly9.URLParser.prototype._makeGetter = function(field) {
 return function() {
  return this._values[field];

Poly9.URLParser.prototype._makeSetter = function(field) {
 return function(value) {
   this._values[field] = value;

Initial URL

Initial Description
Split and manipulate URLs easily with this module. It has similar interface to Python's urlparse library. This is patched and modified version from Denis's orignal implementation.

Initial Title
urlparse - Python-like URL parser and manipulator

Initial Tags
url, query

Initial Language