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Revision: 10069
at January 20, 2010 13:06 by pckujawa

Updated Code
using System;

namespace testConsole
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Test myTest = new Test();
            // Add event handler to the event
            myTest.TestEvent += new EventHandler(myTest_TestEvent);
            Console.ReadLine(); // Keep console window open

        static void myTest_TestEvent(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (e is TestEventArgs)
                TestEventArgs data = e as TestEventArgs;

    class Test
        public event EventHandler TestEvent;
        public Test()
        public void fireEvent()
            // Always check if the EventHandler is null (no subscribers)
            var handler = TestEvent;
            if (handler != null)
                handler(this, new TestEventArgs("Event Fired"));

    class TestEventArgs : EventArgs
        public string Message { get; private set; }
        public TestEventArgs(string message)
            this.Message = message;

Revision: 10068
at December 5, 2008 14:12 by pckujawa

Initial Code
using System;

namespace testConsole
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Test myTest = new Test();
            // Add event handler to the event
            myTest.TestEvent += new EventHandler(myTest_TestEvent);
            Console.ReadLine(); // Keep console window open

        static void myTest_TestEvent(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (e is TestEventArgs)
                TestEventArgs data = e as TestEventArgs;

    class Test
        public event EventHandler TestEvent;
        public Test()
        public void fireEvent()
            // Always check if the EventHandler is null (no subscribers)
            if (TestEvent != null)
                TestEvent(this, new TestEventArgs("Event Fired"));

    class TestEventArgs : EventArgs
        public string Message { get; private set; }
        public TestEventArgs(string message)
            this.Message = message;

Initial URL

Initial Description
See [Raise and Handle Events Generically]( for a better way to use events (generically) and links to best practices in .NET events.

This example should be used as a Console program and will simply write a line of text to the console. It shows how to create an event handler in a class, have that event handler fire an event with custom information, and how to subscribe to that event and use its data. I hope it is straightforward enough.

Initial Title
Example of subscribing to and firing events

Initial Tags

Initial Language