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Revision: 10124
at December 9, 2008 05:47 by ginoplusio

Initial Code
Function wordwrap(str,width,breakString)
	Dim words
	Dim out, temp 
	Dim i,k
	out = ""
	words = Split(str," ")
	For i = 0 To UBound(words)
		If Len(words(i)) >= width Then
			temp = ""
			parola = words(i)
			For k = 1 To Len(parola)
				temp = Left(parola,k)
				If len(temp)>=width Then
					out = out & temp & breakString
					parola = Right(parola,Len(parola) - width)
					k = 1
					temp = ""
				End if
			out = out & temp & breakString
			out = out & words(i) & breakString
		End If
	wordwrap = Trim(out)
End Function

Initial URL

Initial Description
asp function similar to php one, to truncate long words inside a string

Initial Title
ASP word wrap function

Initial Tags
function, ASP

Initial Language