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Revision: 11472
at February 6, 2009 10:07 by ping_ch

Initial Code

 * Element Helper
 * Helps formatting strings with custom markup
 * @author Stefan Zollinger
 * @license MIT
 * @version 1.0

class ElementHelper extends Helper {

	 * The base directory containing your elements.
	 * Set to '' to include all elements in your views/elements folder
	var $baseDir = 'templates';
	 * Applies all the formatting defined in this helper
	 * to $str
	 * (Currently only $this->getElements() )
	 * @return $str Formatted string 
	 * @param string $str 
	function format($str) {
		$str =& $this->getElements($str);
		return $str;
	 * Replaces [element:element_name] tags in a string with 
	 * output from cakephp elements
	 * Options can be defined as follows:
	 * 		[element:element_name id=123 otherVar=var1 nextvar="also with quotes"]
	 *  	[e:element_name]
	 * @return formatted string 
	 * @param $str string
	function getElements(&$str){
		$View =& ClassRegistry::getObject('view');		
		preg_match_all('/\[(element|e):([A-Za-z0-9_\-]*)(.*?)\]/i', $str, $tagMatches);
		for($i=0; $i < count($tagMatches[1]); $i++){
			$regex = '/(\S+)=[\'"]?((?:.(?![\'"]?\s+(?:\S+)=|[>\'"]))+.)[\'"]?/i';
			preg_match_all($regex, $tagMatches[3][$i], $attributes);
			$element = $tagMatches[2][$i];
			$options = array();
			for($j=0; $j < count($attributes[0]); $j++){
				$options[$attributes[1][$j]] = $attributes[2][$j]; 
			$str = str_replace($tagMatches[0][$i], $View->element($this->baseDir.DS.$element,$options), $str);
		return $str;


Initial URL

Initial Description

Initial Title
Element helper for CakePHP

Initial Tags

Initial Language