Revision: 1244
Updated Code
at October 13, 2006 08:38 by xurde
Updated Code
# Prototype Window Class Helper v0.11.0 # By Jorge DÃaz - # email: [email protected] # Thanks to Sebastien Gruhier for his Prototype Window Class ( # Samples: #Quick use: #Reference this helper in your rails applicaction adding -> helper :prototype_window_class in your application.rb #You must include in the template header the prototype window class javascripts and the .css theme you want to use. #This code in your template might be enough: # <%= stylesheet_link_tag 'default' %> (or theme you wanna use) # <%= stylesheet_link_tag 'alert' %> # <%= javascript_include_tag :defaults %> # <%= javascript_include_tag 'window'%> class JsCode < String # for JavaScript Code Handling purpose end module PrototypeWindowClassHelper #support methods def params_for_javascript(params) #options_for_javascript doesn't works fine '{' + {|k, v| "#{k}: #{ case v when Hash then params_for_javascript( v ) when JsCode then v # when Array then... when String then "'#{v}'" else v #Isn't neither Hash or String end }"}.sort.join(', ') + '}' end def content_for_window( content ) #converts case content when Hash then params_for_javascript( content ) when String then "'#{content}'" else nil end end #helper methods def link_to_prototype_dialog( name, content, dialog_kind = 'alert', options = {} , html_options = {} ) #dialog_kind: 'alert' (default), 'confirm' or 'info' (info dialogs should be destroyed with a javascript function call 'win.destroy') #options for this helper depending the dialog_kind: (#confirm or #info) options.merge!( :windowParameters => {} ) if !options.has_key?(:windowParameters) js_code ="Dialog.#{dialog_kind}( #{content_for_window(content)}, #{params_for_javascript(options) } ); " content_tag( "a", name, html_options.merge({ :href => html_options[:href] || "#", :onclick => (html_options[:onclick] ? "#{html_options[:onclick]}; " : "") + js_code })) end def link_to_prototype_confirm_url( name, content, ok_url, cancel_url = nil , options = {} , html_options = {} ) #options for this helper: js_ok = "function(){document.location=\'#{ok_url}\';}" js_cancel = "function(){document.location=\'#{cancel_url}\';}" options.merge!( :ok => ) options.merge!( :cancel => ) if cancel_url options.merge!( :windowParameters => {} ) if !options.has_key?(:windowParameters) js_code = "Dialog.confirm( '#{content}', #{params_for_javascript( options )} ); " content_tag( "a", name, html_options.merge({ :href => html_options[:href] || "#", :onclick => (html_options[:onclick] ? "#{html_options[:onclick]}; " : "") + js_code })) end def link_to_prototype_window( name, window_id, options = {} , html_options = {} ) #window_id must be unique and it's destroyed on window close. #options for this helper: options.merge!( :windowParameters => {} ) if !options.has_key?(:windowParameters) js_code ="var win = new Window( '#{window_id}', #{params_for_javascript(options) } );; win.setDestroyOnClose();" content_tag( "a", name, html_options.merge({ :href => html_options[:href] || "#", :onclick => (html_options[:onclick] ? "#{html_options[:onclick]}; " : "") + js_code })) end end
Revision: 1243
Updated Code
at October 13, 2006 08:32 by xurde
Updated Code
# Prototype Window Class Helper ( # by Jorge DÃaz ( # thanks to Sebastien Gruhier for his Prototype Window Class ( #Quick use: #Reference this helper in your rails applicaction adding -> helper :prototype_window_class in your application.rb #You must include in the template header the prototype window class javascripts and the .css theme you want to use. #This code in your template might be enough: # <%= stylesheet_link_tag 'default' %> (or theme you wanna use) # <%= stylesheet_link_tag 'alert' %> # <%= javascript_include_tag :defaults %> # <%= javascript_include_tag 'window'%> class JsCode < String end module PrototypeWindowClassHelper def params_for_javascript(params) #options_for_javascript doesn't works fine '{' + {|k, v| "#{k}: #{ case v when Hash then params_for_javascript( v ) when JsCode then v # when Array then... when String then "'#{v}'" else v #Isn't neither Hash or String end }"}.sort.join(', ') + '}' end def link_to_prototype_dialog( name, content, dialog_kind = 'alert', options = {} , html_options = {} ) #dialog_kind: 'alert' (default), 'confirm' or 'info' (info dialogs should be destroyed with a javascript function call 'win.destroy') #options for this helper depending the dialog_kind: (#confirm or #info) options.merge!( :windowParameters => {} ) if !options.has_key?(:windowParameters) js_code ="Dialog.#{dialog_kind}( '#{content}', #{params_for_javascript(options) } ); " content_tag( "a", name, html_options.merge({ :href => html_options[:href] || "#", :onclick => (html_options[:onclick] ? "#{html_options[:onclick]}; " : "") + js_code })) end def link_to_prototype_confirm_url( name, content, action, cancel_action = nil , options = {} , html_options = {} ) #options for this helper: js_goto = "function(){document.location=\'#{action}\';}" js_cancel = "function(){document.location=\'#{cancel_action}\';}" options.merge!( :ok => ) options.merge!( :cancel => ) if cancel_action options.merge!( :windowParameters => {} ) if !options.has_key?(:windowParameters) js_code = "Dialog.confirm( '#{content}', #{params_for_javascript( options )} ); " content_tag( "a", name, html_options.merge({ :href => html_options[:href] || "#", :onclick => (html_options[:onclick] ? "#{html_options[:onclick]}; " : "") + js_code })) end def link_to_prototype_window( name, window_id, options = {} , html_options = {} ) #window_id must be unique and it's destroyed on window close. #options for this helper: options.merge!( :windowParameters => {} ) if !options.has_key?(:windowParameters) js_code ="var win = new Window( '#{window_id}', #{params_for_javascript(options) } );; win.setDestroyOnClose();" content_tag( "a", name, html_options.merge({ :href => html_options[:href] || "#", :onclick => (html_options[:onclick] ? "#{html_options[:onclick]}; " : "") + js_code })) end end
Revision: 1242
Updated Code
at September 27, 2006 09:11 by xurde
Updated Code
# Prototype Window Class Helper ( # by Jorge DÃaz ( # thanks to Sebastien Gruhier for his Prototype Window Class ( #Quick use: #Reference this helper in your rails applicaction adding -> helper :prototype_window_class in your application.rb #You must include in the template header the prototype window class javascripts and the .css theme you want to use. #This code in your template might be enough: # <%= stylesheet_link_tag 'default' %> (or theme you wanna use) # <%= stylesheet_link_tag 'alert' %> # <%= javascript_include_tag :defaults %> # <%= javascript_include_tag 'window'%> module PrototypeWindowClassHelper def params_for_javascript(params) #options_for_javascript doesn't works fine '{' + {|k, v| "#{k}: #{ case v when Hash then params_for_javascript( v ) when String then "'#{v}'" else v #Isn't neither Hash or String end }"}.sort.join(', ') + '}' end def link_to_prototype_dialog( name, content, dialog_kind = 'alert', options = { :windowParameters => {} } , html_options = {} ) #dialog_kind: 'alert' (default), 'confirm' or 'info' (info dialogs should be destroyed with a javascript function call 'win.destroy') #options for this helper depending the dialog_kind: (#confirm or #info) js_code ="Dialog.#{dialog_kind}( '#{content}', #{params_for_javascript(options) } ); " content_tag( "a", name, html_options.merge({ :href => html_options[:href] || "#", :onclick => (html_options[:onclick] ? "#{html_options[:onclick]}; " : "") + js_code })) end def link_to_prototype_window( name, window_id, options = { :windowParameters => {} } , html_options = {} ) #window_id must be unique and it's destroyed on window close. #options for this helper: js_code ="var win = new Window( '#{window_id}', #{params_for_javascript(options) } );; win.setDestroyOnClose();" content_tag( "a", name, html_options.merge({ :href => html_options[:href] || "#", :onclick => (html_options[:onclick] ? "#{html_options[:onclick]}; " : "") + js_code })) end end
Revision: 1241
Updated Code
at September 27, 2006 08:31 by xurde
Updated Code
module PrototypeWindowClassHelper # Prototype Window Class Helper ( # by Jorge DÃaz ( # thanks to Sebastien Gruhier for his Prototype Window Class ( #Quick use: #Reference this helper in your rails applicaction adding -> helper :prototype_window_class in your application.rb #You must include in the template header the prototype window class javascripts and the .css theme you want to use. #This code in your template might be enough: # <%= stylesheet_link_tag 'default' %> (or theme you wanna use) # <%= stylesheet_link_tag 'alert' %> # <%= javascript_include_tag :defaults %> # <%= javascript_include_tag 'window'%> #See documentation for use instructions. def params_for_javascript(params) #options_for_javascript doesn't works fine '{' + {|k, v| "#{k}: #{ case v when Hash then params_for_javascript( v ) when String then "'#{v}'" else v #Isn't neither Hash or String end }"}.sort.join(', ') + '}' end def link_to_prototype_dialog( name, content, dialog_kind = 'alert', options = { :windowParameters => {} } , html_options = {} ) #dialog_kind: 'alert' (default), 'confirm' or 'info' (info dialogs should be destroyed with a javascript function call 'win.destroy') #options for this helper depending the dialog_kind: (#confirm or #info) js_code ="Dialog.#{dialog_kind}( '#{content}', #{params_for_javascript(options) } ); " content_tag( "a", name, html_options.merge({ :href => html_options[:href] || "#", :onclick => (html_options[:onclick] ? "#{html_options[:onclick]}; " : "") + js_code })) end def link_to_prototype_window( name, window_id, options = { :windowParameters => {} } , html_options = {} ) #window_id must be unique and it's destroyed on window close. #options for this helper: js_code ="var win = new Window( '#{window_id}', #{params_for_javascript(options) } );; win.setDestroyOnClose();" content_tag( "a", name, html_options.merge({ :href => html_options[:href] || "#", :onclick => (html_options[:onclick] ? "#{html_options[:onclick]}; " : "") + js_code })) end end
Revision: 1240
Initial Code
Initial URL
Initial Description
Initial Title
Initial Tags
Initial Language
at September 27, 2006 08:02 by xurde
Initial Code
module PrototypeWindowClassHelper # Prototype Window Class Helper ( # by Jorge DÃaz ( # thanks to Sebastien Gruhier for his Prototype Window Class ( #Quick use: #You must include in the template header the prototype window class javascripts and the .css theme you want to use. #This code in your template might be enough: # <%= stylesheet_link_tag 'default' %> (or theme you wanna use) # <%= stylesheet_link_tag 'alert' %> # <%= javascript_include_tag :defaults %> # <%= javascript_include_tag 'window'%> #See documentation for use instructions. def params_for_javascript(params) #options_for_javascript doesn't works fine yet '{' + {|k, v| "#{k}: #{ case v when Hash then params_for_javascript( v ) when String then "'#{v}'" else v #Isn't neither Hash or String end }"}.sort.join(', ') + '}' end def link_to_prototype_dialog( name, content, dialog_kind = 'alert', options = { :windowParameters => {} } , html_options = {} ) #dialog_kind: 'alert' (default), 'confirm' or 'info' (info dialogs should be destroyed with a javascript function call 'win.destroy') #options for this helper depending the dialog_kind: (#confirm or #info) js_code ="Dialog.#{dialog_kind}( '#{content}', #{params_for_javascript(options) } ); " content_tag( "a", name, html_options.merge({ :href => html_options[:href] || "#", :onclick => (html_options[:onclick] ? "#{html_options[:onclick]}; " : "") + js_code })) end def link_to_prototype_window( name, window_id, options = { :windowParameters => {} } , html_options = {} ) #window_id must be unique and it's destroyed on window close. #options for this helper: js_code ="var win = new Window( '#{window_id}', #{params_for_javascript(options) } ); win.showCenter(); win.setDestroyOnClose();" content_tag( "a", name, html_options.merge({ :href => html_options[:href] || "#", :onclick => (html_options[:onclick] ? "#{html_options[:onclick]}; " : "") + js_code })) end end
Initial URL
Initial Description
by xurde
Initial Title
Initial Tags
window, rails, ruby
Initial Language