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Revision: 11770
at February 17, 2009 18:02 by johnloy

Initial Code
var myModule = function () {
	var publicObj = {}; // returnable object...

	var privateProperty = "I can be accessed only from within this module";
	var privateMethod = function () {
		// has access to public properties as publicObj.publicVar and private methods

	var publicObj.publicProperty = "Publicly accessible as myModule.publicVar.";
	var publicObj.publicMethod = function () { 
		// Publicly accessible as myModule.publicMethod	

	return publicObj;


var myModule = function(){

	var privateMethod = function(){

	var publicMethod = function(){
		return this;

	// Copy over methods you want to be public
	return {
		publicMethod : publicMethod


var myModule = function(){

	// Persists in privateMethods due to closure
	var that = {};

	function privateMethod(){

	return {
		publicProperty: true,
		publicMethod: function(){},
		// Make this visible in private scope
		init: function(){
			that = this;

Initial URL

Initial Description

Initial Title
variations of the Javascript module pattern

Initial Tags
javascript, textmate

Initial Language