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Revision: 11979
at February 26, 2009 07:27 by jonniespratley

Updated Code

class FileSystemService
	private $filename;
	private $filepath;

	function __construct()
		error_reporting ( E_ERROR | E_USER_ERROR | E_PARSE );

	 * @return unknown
	public function getFilename()
		return $this->filename;

	 * @param unknown_type $filename
	public function setFilename( $filename )
		$this->filename = $filename;

	 * @return unknown
	public function getFilepath()
		return $this->filepath;

	 * @param unknown_type $filepath
	public function setFilepath( $filepath )
		$this->filepath = $filepath;

	public function browseDirectory( $aPath, $aResultFormat = '' )
		$directoryHandle = opendir ( $aPath );
		while ( $file = readdir ( $directoryHandle ) )
			//loop files
			$fileInfoArray[] = array( 
				'aFilename' => $file, 'aSize' => filesize ( $file ), 'aCreated' => filemtime ( $file ), 'aType' => filetype ( $file ), 'aDatabase' => '', 'aPermissions' => decoct ( fileperms ( $file ) ), 'isDir' => ( is_dir ( $file ) ) ? 'true' : 'false', 'isFile' => ( is_file ( $file ) ) ? 'true' : 'false', 'isReadable' => ( is_readable ( $file ) ) ? 'true' : 'false', 'isWritable' => ( is_writable ( $file ) ) ? 'true' : 'false' 
		closedir ( $directoryHandle );
		return json_encode ( $fileInfoArray );

	public function getDiskInfo( $aPath )
		//disk information
		$diskInfoArray = array( 
			'diskFreeSpace' => disk_free_space ( $aPath ), 'diskTotalSize' => disk_total_space ( $aPath ) 
		return $diskInfoArray;

	public function changePermissions( $whatDir, $aPermissions = 0755 )
		// Everything for owner, read and execute for others
		$change = chmod ( $whatDir, $aPermissions );
		if ( $change )
			return true;

	public function createDirectory( $aFolder, $aPermissions = 0777 )
		$oldmask = umask ( 0 );
		$newPath = mkdir ( $aFolder, $aPermissions );
		umask ( $oldmask );
		if ( ! $newPath )
			echo 'Error creating folders';
		} else
			echo 'created';

	public function removeFile( $whatDir, $whatFile )
		$filepath = "$whatDir/$whatFile";
		$this->changePermissions ( $filepath, 0777 );
		$removeFile = unlink ( $filepath );
		if ( $removeFile )
			return "$whatFile was removed.";
		return 'There was a problem removing the file.';

	public function getFormattedDate( $aFile )
		$newDate = date ( 'j F Y H:i', $aFile );
		return $newDate;

	public function dump_var( $var )
		print "<pre>\n";
		print_r ( $var );
		print "</pre>\n";


Revision: 11978
at February 26, 2009 07:20 by jonniespratley

Initial Code

Initial URL

Initial Description

Initial Title
File System Service

Initial Tags
php, file, textmate

Initial Language