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Revision: 12359
at March 25, 2009 17:13 by terrencewood

Updated Code
/// Depends on jquery and jquery ui

// Method 1, bind to tabsshow event
$('#tabs').tabs().bind('tabsshow', function(ev, ui) {

// Method 2, bind to click event refocusses content in existing tab
$('#tabs').tabs().find(' > ul a').bind('click', function (){

// Method 3, bind to tabshow within options

			fx: { opacity: 'toggle', duration: 'fast' },
			show: function(event, ui) {$(ui.panel).attr('tabindex','0').focus().removeAttr('tabindex')}

Revision: 12358
at March 12, 2009 21:31 by terrencewood

Updated Code
/// Depends on jquery and jquery ui

// Method 1, bind to tabsselect event
$('#tabs').tabs().bind('tabsshow', function(ev, ui) {

// Method 2, bind to click event refocusses content in existing tab
$('#tabs').tabs().find(' > ul a').bind('click', function (){

Revision: 12357
at March 11, 2009 23:58 by terrencewood

Initial Code
// Method 1, bind to tabsselect event
$('#tabs').tabs().bind('tabsshow', function(ev, ui) {

// Method 2, bind to click event refocusses content in existing tab
$('#tabs').tabs().find(' > ul a').bind('click', function (){

Initial URL

Initial Description
jquery ui/tabs initiation ensures screenreaders can focus content when selecting tabs. Tested using Jaws 8.

Initial Title
jquery accessible tabs

Initial Tags
javascript, jquery

Initial Language