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Revision: 12679
at March 26, 2009 11:48 by jlvallelonga

Updated Code
function pressedPrintableChar(code) {
	if (code != 8 && code != 13 && code + "" != "undefined")
		return true;
	return false;

Revision: 12678
at March 26, 2009 11:40 by jlvallelonga

Updated Code
function pressedPrintableChar(code) {
	if (code != 8 && code != 13 && code + "" != "undefined") {
		return true;
	return false;

Revision: 12677
at March 24, 2009 14:49 by jlvallelonga

Initial Code
function isAlphaNumeric(code) {
	if (code != 8 && code != 13 && code + "" != "undefined")
		return true;
	return false;

Initial URL

Initial Description
to use this function send in an ASCII character code (use my getKeyCode function)
it will return true if the code corresponds to a printable character (not backspace code - 8, enter code - 13, or "undefined")

Initial Title

Initial Tags
number, code

Initial Language