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Revision: 1456
at October 9, 2006 11:29 by sorehead

Updated Code
Smart MySQL Escape Function

This function first checks to see if PHP is set to automagically quote stuff. If it is, we first strip pre-quoted stuff, then (assuming our text isn't numeric), we properly quote everything.

A good bit of room for improvement here, but at the very least, you should hit this before inserting anything into your database.

	// check to see if a string needs to be escaped for database input
	function escapeit ( $text ) {
		if ( get_magic_quotes_gpc() ) {
			$text = stripslashes($text);
		if ( !is_numeric($text) ) {
			$text = mysql_real_escape_string($text);
		return $text;

Revision: 1455
at October 9, 2006 11:28 by sorehead

Initial Code
Smart MySQL Escape Function

This function first checks to see if PHP is set to automagically quote stuff. If it is, we first strip pre-quoted stuff, then (assuming our text isn't numeric), we properly quote everything.

A good bit of room for improvement here, but at the very least, you should hit this before inserting anything into your database.

	// check to see if a string needs to be escaped for database input
	function escapeit ( $text ) {
		if ( get_magic_quotes_gpc() ) {
			$text = stripslashes($text);
		if ( !is_numeric($text) ) {
			$text = mysql_real_escape_string($text);
		return $text;

Initial URL

Initial Description
This function first checks to see if PHP is set to automagically quote stuff. If it is, we first strip pre-quoted stuff, then (assuming our text isn't numeric), we properly quote everything.
A good bit of room for improvement here, but at the very least, you should hit this before inserting anything into your database.

Initial Title
Smart MySQL Escape Function

Initial Tags
mysql, function

Initial Language