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Revision: 12820
at March 30, 2009 06:50 by kouphax

Initial Code
(function($) {
    /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    *  Extracts a string parameter from the url query string.  Basic operation
    *  wont handle multiples such as radio buttons etc.  Just gets the first 
    *  instance of the name and returns it's value.
    *  @param   {String} Name of value to extract from URL QueryString.
    *  @returns {String} Value of QueryString attribute or null if not found
    $.param = function(name) {
        var exp = new RegExp('[\\?&]' + name + '=([^&#]*)');
        var param = exp.exec(window.location.href);
        return (param) ? param[1] : null;


/* Looks for a PageConfig object first then the Section querystring param */

$(function() {
    $('#tabs li a>span:contains(' +
        (($.PageConfig || {}).section || $.param("Section")) || "Home" + 

Initial URL

Initial Description
Extracts a string paremeter from the url query string.  Basic operation wont handle multiples such as radio buttons etc.  Just gets the first instance of the name and returns it's value.

Initial Title
Primitive QueryString Param Extractor Plugin

Initial Tags
javascript, plugin, jquery

Initial Language