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Revision: 13031
at April 5, 2009 22:15 by Sephr

Initial Code
if (this.XML && XML.ignoreProcessingInstructions == true)
    XML.ignoreProcessingInstructions = false;

function multilineString(spi) { // spi === <?string ...?>
    if (typeof spi != "xml")
        throw new TypeError(;
    return spi.toXMLString()
      .replace(/^<\?string ([\s\S]*)\?>$/i, "$1")

Initial URL

Initial Description
*Requires JavaScript 1.6 or higher*

Syntax: `mutilineString(_<?string?> processing instruction_)`

**Note**: The string processing instruction cannot include ?> in the string and does not support escaped characters (ie. \u0000)


    var string =
    LEFT-ANGLE-BRACKET?string foo
    mutilineString(string) == "foo\nbar\nbaz"

Due to a problem with Snipplr, I can't put processing instructions in the comments. Replace LEFT-ANGLE-BRACKET with < and replace RIGHT-ANGLE-BRACKET with >

Initial Title
Multiline Strings [JS 1.6]

Initial Tags

Initial Language