Revision: 13746
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at May 5, 2009 10:02 by jkriddle
Initial Code
SELECT * FROM wp_terms wt INNER JOIN wp_term_taxonomy wtt ON wt.term_id=wtt.term_id INNER JOIN wp_term_relationships wtr ON wtr.term_taxonomy_id=wtt.term_taxonomy_id LEFT JOIN wp_posts wp ON wp.ID=wtr.object_id WHERE taxonomy='post_tag' AND ID IS null AND NOT EXISTS(SELECT * From wp_terms wt2 INNER JOIN wp_term_taxonomy wtt2 ON wt2.term_id=wtt2.term_id WHERE wtt2.parent=wt.term_id) ORDER BY name
Initial URL
Initial Description
If you run a query to delete old posts manually from MySQL in a WordPress database, the old tags will remain and appear in your tag cloud/listing. This allows you to identify those unused tags, and then delete them with an additional query.
Initial Title
WordPress Query to Identify Unused Tags
Initial Tags
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