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Revision: 13829
at May 7, 2009 10:14 by rdicicco

Initial Code
def IntToDottedIP( intip ):
        octet = ''
        for exp in [3,2,1,0]:
                octet = octet + str(intip / ( 256 ** exp )) + "."
                intip = intip % ( 256 ** exp )

def DottedIPToInt( dotted_ip ):
        exp = 3
        intip = 0
        for quad in dotted_ip.split('.'):
                intip = intip + (int(quad) * (256 ** exp))
                exp = exp - 1

Initial URL


Initial Description
Convert an IP address to an integer for easier storage.
Also, convert an integer back to an IP address.

Initial Title
Convert IP to Int and Int to IP

Initial Tags


Initial Language