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Revision: 13958
at May 14, 2009 10:03 by sidneydekoning

Initial Code
// Draw left and right arrows
// Pass through the graphics layer of an Sprite

public static function drawLeft(pGraphics : Graphics) : void {
	pGraphics.moveTo(0, 0);
	pGraphics.drawRect(0, 0,5,1);
	pGraphics.drawRect(1, -1,1,1);
	pGraphics.drawRect(2, -2,1,1);
	pGraphics.drawRect(1, 1,1,1);
	pGraphics.drawRect(2, 2,1,1);

public static function drawRight(pGraphics : Graphics) : void {
	pGraphics.moveTo(0, 0);
	pGraphics.drawRect(0, 0,5,1);
	pGraphics.drawRect(4, -1,1,1);
	pGraphics.drawRect(3, -2,1,1);
	pGraphics.drawRect(4, 1,1,1);
	pGraphics.drawRect(3, 2,1,1);

Initial URL

Initial Description

Initial Title
Draw an Pixel arrow

Initial Tags

Initial Language
ActionScript 3