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Revision: 16196
at July 28, 2009 17:02 by Winkyboy

Updated Code
// see the source files found in the zip in the URL above.
// Thanks to Nate63179 for the idea of ClickTag URL rollover

Revision: 16195
at July 28, 2009 17:02 by Winkyboy

Updated Code
// see the source files found in the zip in the URL above.
// Thanks to Nate63179 for the idea of ClickTag URL rollover

Revision: 16194
at July 28, 2009 17:02 by Winkyboy

Initial Code
// see the source files found in the zip in the URL above.
// Thanks to Nate63179 for the idea of ClickTag URL rollover (

Initial URL

Initial Description
An empty FLA to be repurposed for creating other banners of varying size. Clickable area is resized automatically to fit the stage size, and a sample button with rollover states is included.  Looping and loop delay are set according to actionscript variables in the first frame of the parent timeline. 

(Uses mc_tween2 from )

Initial Title
AS2 Banner with ClickTag Template

Initial Tags

Initial Language