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Revision: 1976
at December 7, 2006 12:07 by kevinhorek

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					<li>50,388 Total Sq. Ft. (21 units)</li>
					<li>Extensive Exterior Re-Hab</li>
					<li>New Air Conditioning Units</li>
					<li>Abundant Parking (3.0/1,000)</li>
					<li>Premier Location Adjacent to Murrieta Auto Mall &amp; future I-15 interchange</li>

				<p><a href="#">Frequently Asked Quetions</a></p>
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					<li>Close Proximity to Restaurants, Services &amp; Major Throughfares</li>
					<li>Auto, Office &amp; Accessory Retail Uses Allowed (MU-2 Zoning)</li>

					<li>New Roofs</li>
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Turner Commerce Center - Small Industrial Condos Murrieta, California

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