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Revision: 16757
at August 14, 2009 16:42 by halotis

Initial Code
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# (C) 2008 Fred Cirera
# ported in Python from the Ruby code by Vsevolod S. Balashov
import urllib2
import re
import time
import sys
from urllib import urlencode
from pprint import pprint
HOST = ""
def mix(a, b, c):
    M = lambda v: v % 0x100000000 # int32 modulo
    a, b, c = (M(a), M(b), M(c))
    a = M(a-b-c) ^ (c >> 13)
    b = M(b-c-a) ^ (a < <  8)
    c = M(c-a-b) ^ (b >> 13)
    a = M(a-b-c) ^ (c >> 12)
    b = M(b-c-a) ^ (a < < 16)
    c = M(c-a-b) ^ (b >> 5)
    a = M(a-b-c) ^ (c >>  3)
    b = M(b-c-a) ^ (a < < 10)
    c = M(c-a-b) ^ (b >> 15)
    return a, b, c
def checksum(iurl):
    C2I = lambda s: sum(c < < 8*i for i, c in enumerate(s[:4]))
    a, b, c = 0x9e3779b9, 0x9e3779b9, 0xe6359a60
    lg  = len(iurl)
    k = 0
    while k <= lg-12:
        a = a + C2I(iurl[k:k+4])
        b = b + C2I(iurl[k+4:k+8])
        c = c + C2I(iurl[k+8:k+12])
        a, b, c = mix(a, b, c)
        k += 12
    a = a + C2I(iurl[k:k+4])
    b = b + C2I(iurl[k+4:k+8])
    c = c + (C2I(iurl[k+8:])<&lt;8) + lg
    a, b, c = mix(a, b, c)
    return c
def GoogleHash(value):
    I2C = lambda i: [i & 0xff, i >> 8 & 0xff,  i >> 16 & 0xff, i >> 24 & 0xff]
    ch = checksum([ord(c) for c in value])
    ch = ((ch % 0x0d) & 7) | ((ch/7) < < 2)
    return "6%s" % checksum(sum((I2C(ch-9*i) for i in range(20)), []))
def make_url(host, site_url):
    url = "info:" + site_url
    params = dict(client="navclient-auto", ch="%s" % GoogleHash(url),
                  ie="UTF-8", oe="UTF-8", features="Rank", q=url)
    return "http://%s/search?%s" % (host, urlencode(params))
# Where the fun begins
if __name__ == "__main__":
    if len(sys.argv) != 2:
        url = ''
        url = sys.argv[1]
    if not url.startswith('http://'):
        url = 'http://%s' % url
    # print make_url(HOST, url)
    req = urllib2.Request(make_url(HOST, url))
        f = urllib2.urlopen(req)
        response = f.readline()
    except Exception, err:
        print err
        # print
        rank = re.match(r'^Rank_\d+:\d+:(\d+)', response.strip()).group(1)
    except AttributeError:
        print "This page is not ranked"
        rank = -1
    print "PageRank: %d\tURL: %s" % (int(rank), url)

Initial URL

Initial Description
lookup the google page rank of a website from python.  Uses the same interface that the Google Toolbar uses to get the value.

Initial Title
Google Page Range lookup

Initial Tags
page, google, web

Initial Language