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at August 21, 2009 07:03 by jonniespratley

Initial Code
 * @name  	FileSystemService.php
 * @author  Jonnie Spratley
 * @version 1.9

class FileSystemService
	private $filename;
	private $filepath;
	public function __construct()
		error_reporting ( E_ERROR | E_USER_ERROR | E_PARSE );
	 * @return unknown
	public function getFilename()
		return $this->filename;
	 * @param unknown_type $filename
	public function setFilename( $filename )
		$this->filename = $filename;
	 * @return unknown
	public function getFilepath()
		return $this->filepath;
	 * @param unknown_type $filepath
	public function setFilepath( $filepath )
		$this->filepath = $filepath;
	 * I browse the directory 
	 * @param [string] $aPath Path of which directory
	 * @return [array]
	public function browseDirectory( $path = '.', $level = 0, $jsonEncode )
		// Directories to ignore when listing output. Many hosts will deny PHP access to the cgi-bin.
		$ignore = array ( 
			'cgi-bin', '.', '..', '.DS_Store', '.svn' 
		// Open the directory to the handle $dh
		$dh = opendir ( $path );
		$folders = array ();
		// Loop through the directory
		while ( false !== ( $file = readdir ( $dh ) ) )
			//get the extension from the filename
			$ext = substr ( strrchr ( $file, '.' ), 1 );
			// Check that this file is not to be ignored
			if ( ! in_array ( $file, $ignore ) )
				// Its a directory, so we need to keep reading down...
				if ( is_dir ( "$path/$file" ) )
					//$pathInfo = pathinfo( $file );

					// Re-call this same function but on a new directory.this is what makes function recursive.
					$folders [] = array ( 
							'filename' => $file, 
							'path' => "$path/$file", 
							//'filePath' => , 
							'ext' => $ext, 
							'isDir' => ( is_dir ( $file ) ) ? 'true' : 'false', 
							'isFile' => ( is_file ( $file ) ) ? 'true' : 'false', 
							'isWritable' => ( is_writable ( $file ) ) ? 'true' : 'false', 
							'isReadable' => ( is_readable ( $file ) ) ? 'true' : 'false', 
							'children' => $this->browseDirectory ( "$path/$file", $level + 1 ) 
				rsort ( $folders );
					$folders [] = array ( 
							'filename' => $file, 
							'path' => "$path/$file", 
							//'filePath' => pathinfo( $file ), 
							'ext' => $ext, 
							'isDir' => ( is_dir ( $file ) ) ? 'true' : 'false', 
							'isFile' => ( is_file ( $file ) ) ? 'true' : 'false', 
							'isWritable' => ( is_writable ( $file ) ) ? 'true' : 'false', 
							'isReadable' => ( is_readable ( $file ) ) ? 'true' : 'false' 
				#	sort ( $folders );
		closedir ( $dh );
		return $folders;
	public function browseSubDirectory( $folder )
		$subdirArray = array ();
		$subDirHandle = opendir ( $folder );
			while ( false !== ( $file = readdir ( $subDirHandle ) ) )
				if ( $file != '.' && $file != '..' )
					$subdirArray [] = array ( 
						'label' => $file 
			closedir ( $subDirHandle );
		return $subdirArray;
	 * I get the disk information
	 * @param [string] $aPath the path
	 * @return [array]
	public function getDiskInfo( $aPath )
		$diskInfoArray = array ( 
			'freeSpace' => disk_free_space ( $aPath ), 'totalSize' => disk_total_space ( $aPath ) 
		return $diskInfoArray;
	 * I change the permissions on a file, or directory
	 * @param [string] $whatDir the directory
	 * @param [int] $aPermissions the permissions
	 * @return [boolean]
	public function changePermissions( $whatDir, $aPermissions )
		if ( ! $aPermissions )
			$aPermissions = 0777;
		$change = false;
		// Everything for owner, read and execute for others

		if ( chmod ( $whatDir, $aPermissions ) )
			$change = true;
		return $change;
	 * I write to a file
	 * @param [string] $filename the file name
	 * @param [string] $contents file contents
	static public function writeFile( $filename, $contents )
		self::recursiveChmod($filename, 0777, 0777);
		$fp = fopen ( $filename, 'w' );
		//make sure file is writable
		//chmod ( $filename );
		$result = array ( 
			'file' => $filename 
		$written = fwrite ( $fp, $contents );
		if ( $written )
			return $result;
		fclose ( $fp );
		return $filename;
	static public function appendFile( $filename, $contents )
		$fp = fopen ( $filename, 'a' );
		//make sure file is writable
		//chmod ( $filename );
		$result = array ( 
			'file' => $filename 
		$written = fwrite ( $fp, $contents."\n" );
		if ( $written )
			return $result;
		fclose ( $fp );
		return $filename;
	static public function readFile( $file )
		$data = '';
		//$contents = array ();
		if ( is_file ( $file ) )
			$fp = fopen ( $file, 'r' );
			//make sure file is readable
			//chmod ( $filename, 0755 );

			if ( ! $fp )
				echo 'File could not be opened';
				exit ();
			while ( ! feof ( $fp ) )
				//$contents = array ( 'contents' => fgets ( $fp, 9999 ));
				$data .= fgets ( $fp, 9999 );
				//dump the contents into an array
			fclose ( $fp );
		return $data;
	 * I create a directory
	 * @param [string] $aFolder name of the folder
	 * @param [int] $aPermissions the permissions
	public function createDirectory( $aFolder, $aPermissions = 0755 )
		$oldmask = umask ( 0 );
		$newPath = mkdir ( $aFolder, $aPermissions );
		$message = '';

		umask ( $oldmask );
		if ( ! $newPath )
			$message = 'Error creating ' . $newPath;
			$message = 'Created' . $newPath;
		return $message;
	 * I remove a file
	 * @param [string] $whatDir
	 * @param [string] $whatFile
	 * @return [string]
	public function removeFile( $whatDir, $whatFile )
		$filepath = "$whatDir/$whatFile";
		$this->changePermissions ( $filepath, 0777 );
		$removeFile = unlink ( $filepath );
		$message = '';
		if ( ! $removeFile )
			$message = 'There was a problem removing the file.';
			$message = "$whatFile was removed.";
		return $message;
	public function escapeContents( $contents )
		return htmlspecialchars ( $contents );
	private function getFormattedDate( $aFile )
		$newDate = date ( 'j F Y H:i', $aFile );
		return $newDate;
	public function getDirectory( $path = '.', $level = 0 )
		// Directories to ignore when listing output. Many hosts will deny PHP access to the cgi-bin.
		$ignore = array ( 
			'cgi-bin', '.', '..' 
		// Open the directory to the handle $dh
		$dh = opendir ( $path );
		$folders = array ();
		$subFolders = array ();
		// Loop through the directory
		while ( false !== ( $file = readdir ( $dh ) ) )
			// Check that this file is not to be ignored
			if ( ! in_array ( $file, $ignore ) )
				// Its a directory, so we need to keep reading down...
				if ( is_dir ( "$path/$file" ) )
					// Re-call this same function but on a new directory.this is what makes function recursive.
					$folders [] = array ( 
						'label' => $file, 'path' => "$path/$file", 'children' => $this->getDirectory ( "$path/$file", $level + 1 ) 
					$folders [] = array ( 
						'label' => $file 
		closedir ( $dh );
		return $folders;
	public function compressFile( $filename )
		$zipfile = "$";
		//Load file
		$data = file_get_contents ( $filename );
		//compress file
		file_put_contents ( "compress.zlib://$zipfile", $data );
		return $zipfile;
	 * I recursivly copy files/folders/contents to a destination.
	 * @param [string] $dirsource - The source
	 * @param [string] $dirdest - The destination
	 * @return true
	static public function recursive_copy( $dirsource, $dirdest )
		if ( is_dir ( $dirsource ) )
			$dir_handle = opendir ( $dirsource );
		$dirname = substr ( $dirsource, strrpos ( $dirsource, "/" ) + 1 );
		mkdir ( $dirdest . "/" . $dirname, 0777 );
		while ( $file = readdir ( $dir_handle ) )
			if ( $file != "." && $file != ".." )
				if ( ! is_dir ( $dirsource . "/" . $file ) ) copy ( $dirsource . "/" . $file, $dirdest . "/" . $dirname . "/" . $file );
					$dirdest1 = $dirdest . "/" . $dirname;
					self::recursive_copy ( $dirsource . "/" . $file, $dirdest1 );
		closedir ( $dir_handle );
		return true;
	 * I recursively move all files in a source to a destination
	 * @param [string] $dirsource - The source to move
	 * @param [string] $dirdest - The destination where new files will be moved
	static public function recursive_move( $dirsource, $dirdest )
		if ( is_dir ( $dirsource ) )
			$dir_handle = opendir ( $dirsource );
		$dirname = substr ( $dirsource, strrpos ( $dirsource, "/" ) + 1 );
		mkdir ( $dirdest . "/" . $dirname, 0777 );
		while ( $file = readdir ( $dir_handle ) )
			if ( $file != "." && $file != ".." )
				if ( ! is_dir ( $dirsource . "/" . $file ) )
					copy ( $dirsource . "/" . $file, $dirdest . "/" . $dirname . "/" . $file );
					unlink ( $dirsource . "/" . $file );
					$dirdest1 = $dirdest . "/" . $dirname;
					self::recursive_move ( $dirsource . "/" . $file, $dirdest1 );
		closedir ( $dir_handle );
		rmdir ( $dirsource );
      Chmods files and folders with different permissions.

      This is an all-PHP alternative to using: \n

      @param $path An either relative or absolute path to a file or directory
      which should be processed.
      @param $filePerm The permissions any found files should get.
      @param $dirPerm The permissions any found folder should get.
      @return Returns TRUE if the path if found and FALSE if not.
      @warning The permission levels has to be entered in octal format, which
      normally means adding a zero ("0") in front of the permission level. \n
      More info at:

   static public function recursiveChmod($path, $filePerm=0755, $dirPerm=0755)
      // Check if the path exists
      // See whether this is a file
         // Chmod the file with our given filepermissions
         chmod($path, $filePerm);
      // If this is a directory...
      } elseif(is_dir($path)) {
         // Then get an array of the contents
         $foldersAndFiles = scandir($path);
         // Remove "." and ".." from the list
         $entries = array_slice($foldersAndFiles, 2);
         // Parse every result...
         foreach($entries as $entry)
            // And call this function again recursively, with the same permissions
            self::recursiveChmod($path."/".$entry, $filePerm, $dirPerm);
         // When we are done with the contents of the directory, we chmod the directory itself
         chmod($path, $dirPerm);
      // Everything seemed to work out well, return TRUE



Initial URL

Initial Description
The one and only class for all your file handling needs.

Initial Title
Super File System Service

Initial Tags

Initial Language